Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whats Off White In French

March 1, 2011 - Alliance with the Locride and Calabria

was held in Villa San Giovanni the fourth edition Meeting with the Alliance of Locri and Calabria, which saw the participation of delegations from all over Italy. We, too, Ass. Monastery of the Common Good were present (see photo).
New this year were the Shipyards Mediterranean , thematic tables where local government officials, trade unionists, entrepreneurs, volunteers, Church leaders and civil society have had the opportunity to design and share of joint initiatives between Northern Italy and Calabria.

After greeting the mayor of Villa San Giovanni, Rocco La Valle and the president of Bridges Pialesi, Frank Marciano, opened the day the President of the Consorzio Sociale Goel and spokesman, Vincent Linarello.

In light of the facts of these days " the south of the Mediterranean need to find its own model of democracy and development own way," said Linarello.
Faced with the possible consequences of fiscal federalism “urge che le Regioni del Sud attuino una forte azione di prevenzione che salvaguardi il Meridione da un esodo di massa o da chissà quali conseguenti tensioni sociali. Serve una cura urgente di ‘meritocrazia’: chi più produce risultati concreti nei nostri territori deve poter disporre di più risorse”.

Dopo i gruppi di lavoro, ha chiuso la giornata il procuratore aggiunto Nicola Gratteri:
Sono diversi anni che conosco il GOEL ed ho fiducia nell’onestà degli organizzatori di questo evento e nella bontà delle iniziative che da anni portano avanti ”.
Il tempo dell’assistenzialismo è finito not by choice but because they ran out of money. We must disengage from the mentality and the cronyism that are making the most virtuous realities in our region , "said the deputy prosecutor in Reggio Calabria.

>> The Alliance for Locride and Calabria was born in 2008 and is composed of 736 organizations and over 3,000 people throughout Italy and has the objective of freedom and democracy in Calabria opposing ' Ndrangheta and freemasonries diverted through the active participation and cooperative economic and mutualism. The Alliance supports the efforts in other regions of Italy to counter the processes infiltration of these powers of death.


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