Berlusconi ricoverato per un complesso intervento di chirurgia maxillofacciale, atto a restaurare la funzionalità masticatoria compromessa dal vile attentato duomesco messo in atto dall'anarco-insurrezionalista Josif Vissarionovic Tartaglia il 13 Dicembre 2009. Sembra che il Premier abbia 'masticato male' per più di un anno. Nonostante la pericolosità dell'intervento e la serietà del quadro clinico dell'illustre paziente, voci ignominiose e vigliaccamente anonime sostengono che l'operazione serva a mascherare un ipotetico intervento di chirurgia estetica.
Si schiera compatto a fianco del suo Leader tutto il centrodestra. Secondo Cicchitto " La ricostruzione di molari frantumati è un grave disagio Social we have inherited from previous governments of the left. We are facing the nth tenativo subversive of some part of politicized medicine to delegitimize a government democratically elected by the people who still enjoy the broadest consensus by all Italians .
Duro also comment Capezzone " This kind of attacks are unworthy of a civilized and democratic. Where there was a need, is yet another clear demonstration that the intercepts are a tool of the devil. And the Left is the devil. And anyway, what has sucked the Minetti, I have sucked before her .
not is less Bossi, who exclaims " MBUEEERGH BRUUUP BLBLBLBRRRRRRederalismo .
According Santanchè instead " Santoro is an asshole! .
To clear up rumors and gossip dark evil, thinks he, Silvio Berlusconi, who is leaving the clinic ' Jayne Mansfield ' Riccione, never misses an opportunity to get to meet reporters awaited him in the street. "This kind of attacks give me the incentive to move forward with greater decisiveness " said Premier straightening a lock of curly hair on his forehead.
For the avoidance of doubt, Bruno Vespa has already prepared a model of the Augusta mandible.
In the photo at the exit from the clinic Premier
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