Non da mettermi a fare i salti di gioia, ma della prestazione di domenica a Trana posso ritenermi soddisfatto. Specie se paragonata alla dieci chilometri al Ruffini la settimana precedente. Il percorso questa volta era nervoso e non lasciava certo spazio a momenti di relax.
Già nel riscaldamento mi accorgo che le sensazioni sono discrete: il respiro non è troppo affannato e le gambe sembrano rispondere in maniera positiva.
Al momento di schierarci alla partenza, vista l'altissima partecipazione e la larghezza non eccessiva della strada, lo starter ha non poche difficoltà a farci posizionare dietro la linea di partenza. Del resto, in tutte le gare a cui ho partecipato e che non providing a chip, or are not fenced, I never saw all the athletes diligently observe the white line. In fact, this time do not you have done :-)
In one way or another and we start the race enters into the action. Even now I have to be careful not to trip, we are all crowded and we run after shooting a bit 'crazy like flies to find the location.
spend about six kilometers and shot slightly breathless: I do not know if you need a physical or psychological weakness. Probably both, but the point is to understand what percentage weight assigned to both. The fact is that I lose a few yards from my live across direct, detachment that partially recovered in descents.
After the last hike in the bush one can see the houses in the country. Finally coming to an end! And here suddenly, unexpectedly, the president of Podistica Torino, Gian Carlo, who supports me and overtake me. Gosh, like last Sunday when two kilometers or so I trimmed a minute! This time, too strong for some more energy, grit my teeth (not that I was relaxed so far) and I focus on the latest hundreds of meters without me fooled. 41'10 "my time to finish (41'04" official time) on 9556 meters of the route for an average of 4'19 "per kilometer. Dixit Garmin, of course.
This is my progression kilometer (keep in mind the up and down):
3'52 "- 4'03" - 4'45 "- 4'16" - 4'56 "- 4'33" - 3'56 "- 4'24" - 4'08 "- 4'07" (556 mt)
positive note for the first time I managed to beat the legendary Eugenio Bocchino (MM70), we see that it was not in form ... At this rate, I calculated that for 2070 about training hard, I should be able to enter the top ten :-)
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