videoletter of students and students
March 8
International Women's Day
If not now when? Now
VERONA - March 8, at 19.0, Piazza Bra raids will animate the lively city center, with lanterns and torches and candles illuminate the evening of 8 March, we warm up by singing and distribute leaflets to passers-by with the data of women in Italy .
Pane e rose Nel 1908 a New York decine di migliaia di operaie protestarono con una marcia per ottenere lavoro e paga più dignitosi, per il diritto di voto e l’abolizione del lavoro minorile. Lo slogan era « Bread and Roses »: il pane e le rose».
La giornata delle donne è anche in onore delle lavoratrici uccise nel rogo di Manhattan. A ricostruire le identità di quelle ragazze, molte italiane, was investigator Michael Hirsch gate for a century. Now they have a name, the workers of New York
An investigator reconstructs the identity of the victims of the fire in New York was on March 25, 1911. In the fire killed 129 women and 17 men. Many of them were little more than children
Viviana Devoto ( by the Unit 8.3.11)
Viviana Devoto ( by the Unit 8.3.11)
In the year when we celebrate the 150th Unification of Italy, we give more value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, became in long celebration of women and today at rebirth for our country.
We want an Italy capable of being in the world, in an open and solidarity with all peoples, especially those who struggle for freedom as now those of North Africa.
We want to be on 8 March, as February 13, the day of all.
Of the women who work steadily in and out of home, of those seeking work and do not find it, of workers forced into illegal employment, licenses, precarious, many of which have left their families to far take care of our own, and women into slavery.
In Italy is a widespread insecurity that is not just work but life. It involves a growing number of women and men.
For all you heavy mortgage on the future, but the uncertainty that weighs on young women affects the entire national community and its prospects. In Italy have children, a family, has long since become a luxury. We want for all and all there is the freedom to choose whether and when to become parents.
Why can choose you must:
Why can choose you must:
Maternity leave compulsory maternity leave. Statutory paternity leave. Rules preventing the dismissal "estimate": no more blank resignations.
By February 13 we said that freedom, dignity and lives of women are the present and the future of the country, and the way they are or are not told in information and in the media is a major national issue.
We, therefore, that on March 8 this is also the day when we discuss how the media represent the reality and the profession of journalist.
Pensiamo che l’immagine dominante delle donne non possa ridursi al riflesso di un desiderio maschile stereotipato. Vogliamo un’informazione rispettosa e veritiera che dia conto di come le donne contribuiscono a costruire l’Italia.
By February 13 we said that freedom, dignity and lives of women are the present and the future of the country, and the way they are or are not told in information and in the media is a major national issue.
We, therefore, that on March 8 this is also the day when we discuss how the media represent the reality and the profession of journalist.
Pensiamo che l’immagine dominante delle donne non possa ridursi al riflesso di un desiderio maschile stereotipato. Vogliamo un’informazione rispettosa e veritiera che dia conto di come le donne contribuiscono a costruire l’Italia.
Se non ora quando? Adesso
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