Friday, March 4, 2011

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And after the sms, open letters

Teachers, temporary workers, students and parents on March 12 in the piazza in Rome and throughout Italy for the public schools along with movements in defense of the Constitution. Meanwhile, after a minute's silence was born via text message, here, from north to south, the letters addressed to Professor Berlusconi, headteachers and youth. And a call from Naples: "The President, comes to Scampia"

PAOLO Galloro
anywhere While the initiative in the Republic 1 defense of public schools has exceeded 60 thousand signatures and multiply the initiatives of organized or spontaneous at all, to express disagreement with the liquidation of the public school by the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, increases coordination for a protest now ready to return in the star squares throughout Italy. The epicenter is located, in space and time: Rome, March 12.
And 'in fact sanctioned the merger of the indignation of the protagonists of public education with the event already planned in that time to defend the Constitution and its values. On 12 March, then, behind the flag, they will be "united in our difference," party leaders, teachers e studenti, società civile, mondo sindacale e associazioni. La manifestazione è stata presentata alla Camera da Beppe Giulietti per Articolo 21, Sandra Bonsanti per Libertà e Giustizia, Silvia Bartolini del Popolo Viola e Sofia Sabbatini della Rete degli Studenti.

Si spera, spiega Giulietti, di poter contare sul sostegno e la partecipazione di artisti che dal palco raccontino a modo loro perché difendere la Costituzione e con essa il valore e la dignità della scuola pubblica. Giulietti cita Ottavia Piccolo,  Monica Guerritore, Neri Marcorè e Roberto Vecchioni, proprio uno dei primi firmatari dell'appello di Repubblica. Il sogno è avere anche Roberto Benigni e Roberto Saviano.

Un grande attore di teatro, Paolo Poli, nel frattempo si è già attivato prestando la sua voce a una lettura di Pinocchio per la scuola pubblica. Un vero e proprio spot, visibile su  YouTube   2  e nato per iniziativa di un gruppo di genitori di Roppolo, in provincia di Biella. 

Nel dibattito intervengono anche gli studenti del Msac (movimento studenti di Azione cattolica), esprimendo pieno accordo con le parole del presidente della Cei, cardinale Angelo Bagnasco. The MSAC reject the "alleged rivalry between public school and equal", defended the professionalism of teachers, principals and school staff, and calls to have confidence in students. Because "there is still hope if the carousel to the fine students and teachers, together, together as only they can do for the things that matter, in spite of all the clichés in which they are eternal in antagonism, remember, once again, and always with the same passion, the school, the school of all, it serves ".

around the fulcrum of the date-March 12, the world of public school moves to a constellation of other initiatives. If yesterday was the "day of silence" staged a minute's silence in many institutions from North to South after the tam tam sms organized by teachers, today is the day of open letters. If we count different, the recipient the same: the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

A Rome 3 , the youth of Surf (Schools and Universities Network for Education) write: "In the statements of the Prime Minister found not only the ' yet another attack on public schools but especially a conception of it that offends us discomfort and teachers. What worries us is the term used by the President, "Inculcate" the task of the school, such as the family, is not to impose an idea, but to educate children so that they develop their autonomy and independence of thought. "

letter to the Prime Minister also by the network of high school students of the Veneto , already signed by over 50 representatives of institutions, collection of signatures in progress. "If this truly reform public education - reads -, thinking as a resource that can grow our country, as an asset to protect, not as a company that does not involve costs, Putting forward as if it deserves, if not continuous insult of his teachers every morning and who is committed to making it work, then the freedom of families to send their children to a school of quality, giving them the opportunity to freely form and create their own path, only then that freedom would be realized. "

From Bologna 4 the reaction goes through an open letter, titled" This time we expose ourselves, signed by twenty-two presidents of the councils schools in the capital of the province and to protect the school children. Meanwhile, the assembly of the schools is mobilizing for the demonstration on March 12, even if the protest is likely to have another date, April 17, with the slogan "If not now when: spring for a new school." "We are organizing," says Giancarlo Vitali Ambrogio, voice of the Assembly. "Berlusconi's words come after thousands of words against the public school and after the cuts."

Even the presidents of the Bolognese are indignant. "What the public school as a place of propaganda is an old topic, rusty and rickety - Lamberto said Montanari, Principals Association (PNA) in Emilia Romagna -. I remember that the school public is secular, it means that welcomes diversity of opinion. "The passage of Berlusconi on the school that" inculcates "Montanari responds:" I abhor the word. We educate. Those looking for a school that instills the private talk. "Meanwhile, in Reggio Emilia is the Democratic Party to work on a national initiative for March 15, to reaffirm the centrality of the school, free and open to all, in defending and promoting the principle of equality, from north to south in our country, "explains Francesca Puglisi, national officer of the party school.

An incident comes to light through a complaint by Giuseppe Luigi Villani, parent the PDL in Emilia Romagna. "On 28 February, in the elementary school of Giuseppe Verdi Collecchio (Parma) a special education teacher did the bell ring so that all those present, teachers, assistants and even students, observe a minute of silence to protest against the words of the Prime Minister Minister Silvio Berlusconi. " Villani calls to the Regional Government "if it intends to vigorously condemn the Regional Education Office at what happened."

From Bari 5, the open letter to Berlusconi bears the signatures of teachers in grammar school "Flacco." That, oltre a definire "schematico e manicheo" l'inquadramento in blocchi di genitori e insegnanti, gli chiedono se sarà possibile in Italia avere un futuro che non sia fatto da privilegi e precarietà. E ricordano come siano state le leggi e gli indirizzi di politica scolastica del Governo a demolire la "scuola della Repubblica", con incalcolabili danni per il tessuto sociale e la coesione civile. 

E se a  Firenze  6 sono tantissimi gli insegnanti pronti a scendere in piazza il 12 marzo, si registra la singolare manifestazione di dissenso inscenata al liceo scientifico Castelnuovo. All'esterno within the institution and some professors have posters of protest against the sentences of the premier. On the front says "You are educated not inculcates" stairway a phrase translated from Plutarch: "Students are not vessels to be filled but flares to light." The posters were displayed at the opening of school, but soon, on the order of school managers, have been taken off. Especially for a college prank of students, who canceled a 'c' from the word "inculcate".

not an open letter, but a simple invitation is addressed to school managers from Berlusconi's Naples 7 : "Venga a vivere un giorno con i professori di Scampia per vedere la passione con cui lavorano per salvare i ragazzi". Oggi il minuto di silenzio è stato osservato dai docenti del Mazzini, nei prossimi giorni dovrebbe essere la volta del Genovesi, del Mercalli e dell'Umberto. Ma fervono i preparativi per portare la protesta in piazza. Il Coordinamento dei precari sta organizzando con i colleghi romani un sit-in nella Capitale per il 17 marzo. Gli universitari sono pronti a partecipare alla manifestazione romana del 12 marzo, mentre l'Unione degli Studenti medi pensa di organizzare a Napoli un'assemblea pubblica. Anche la Cgil è in fermento: da quando il premier ha parlato di istruzione, arrivano 150 mail di protesta al giorno. Spiega Alessandro Aienzo, regional secretary of the school, university and research of the FLC CGIL "activities in the streets and talk to the city on March 15 with Camusso Susanna and Domenico Pantaleo, during a public meeting on the defense of the public system." There's more. Between 9 and 10 non-profit association "Everyone at school will march in the streets of Naples to remember in politics" that the Constitution exists and that the school also helps, and especially the disadvantaged such as disabled. "

The theme is also heard in Turin 8 , dove Tommaso De Luca, preside dell'Avogadro e presidente dell'Asapi, l'associazione delle scuole autonome piemontesi parla di "rammarico diffuso e indignazione". De Luca spiega che alcune scuole si stanno mobilitando per approvare mozioni nei consigli di istituto in difesa della scuola pubblica, mentre si stanno muovendo anche le associazioni dei genitori. "Come presidi  -  aggiunge - stiamo raccogliendo manifestazioni sparse e ci stiamo mobilitando per scrivere e approvare un documento unico che sia portavoce dei motivi per i quali crediamo che i valori che abbiamo insegnato e non inculcato vengano difesi".
(2marzo 2011)


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