"In 2009, Italy triangulated through Malta to the regime of Colonel Gaddafi over € 79 million light weapons for military use of the Beretta company, according to some European sources. E 'with these weapons that the army is firing on the people of Gaddafi " . This report documented the Italian Network for Disarmament and Peace Coffee asking the Berlusconi government to respond urgently on . These weapons which - as confirmed Disarmament Network directly to an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta "of Italian origin, and have never touched the ground maltese" . Also because (confirming the same source) in the small island are not found weapons and ammunition factories.
The Maltese Foreign Ministry has stated that "as confirmed by the Italian a Tripoli, il destinatario finale della consegna era il Governo libico” e siccome nel 2009 non erano attive forme di sanzione verso il regime di Gheddafi “l’autorizzazione al traffico - comprese quelle doganali - sono state rilasciate senza problemi” . Ma dalle Relazioni della Presidenza del Consiglio italiano sull’export di armamenti non risulta alcuna autorizzazione all’esportazione di quelle armi né a Malta né alla Libia, creando quindi un buco impressionante in termini di controllo. “La news reliable and documented "- says Giorgio Beretta Unimondo and Disarmament Network analyst. The Report of the European Union on arms exports published in January reports for the year 2009 permits and supplies from Malta to Libya of € 79,689,691 of . These weapons of category 1 ML, ie smooth-bore weapons with a caliber of less than 20 mm, other arms and automatic weapons 12.7 mm (0.50 inches size) and accessories and components specially designed). no official report from the Presidency of the Council (those due to Law 185 on the export of military arms) show that there has been some permit on. Even the ISTAT data (which contain all of the export of Italian arms for civilian use) do not report for 2009 no exports of that value or in Malta or Libya, for the year just about 390,584 euro of Arms ammunition and parts and accessories for Malta and Libya only € 8,171,698 of supply. "And then there are two cases: or Italian company has exported these weapons without the permission of the Italian government (but then should have been detained by the Maltese Customs) or - as is more likely - there was an authorization from of some office of the Italian government but was never notified either in Parliament or the European Union Relations "- concluded Beretta. such high value of small arms could mean (witness the equivalent of similar supplies made recently just to Libya) hundreds if not thousands of rifles and pistols, as well as possible supply of ammunition and even grenades. In practice, the very weapons the protagonists of most killings these days of revolt. According to a EU Observer from a European Union diplomatic source (expert documentation of authorization to export military) would be weapons from Factory 's Beretta of Gadon Valtrompia (Brescia). The Italian company, however, refused any comment stating that "Not responding on the merits of individual transfers" "The facts are that today denounced an unprecedented seriousness - says Flavio Lotti , national coordinator of Table Peace . If only yesterday asked the Government and Parliament to clarify and to block the sale of Italian arms to Libya today, we can not but feel a great sense of shame and pain. The government must immediately give the explanations on a situation as problematic. How did that happen? Who knew? Those who remain silent? In many other trades are involved? Parliament must act now. I hope that no news in particular Rai, our public service, be allowed to censor the complaint and instead decides to bring to account those most responsible for Italian politics "- concludes Lotti. This case of triangulation, which we call for a full short, is not the only example of a passage of arms to Libya through our country. "In stesso 2009 come ricostruito da un’inchiesta di Altreconomia poi rilanciata da altri organi di stampa - aggiunge Francesco Vignarca coordinatore della Rete Disarmo - la Magistratura italiana aveva bloccato un possibile traffico di centinaia di migliaia di Kalashnikov di produzione cinese che trafficanti italiani volevano vendere all’esercito di Gheddafi”. Anche in quel caso si utilizzava (in maniera però pienamente illegale) la triangolazione verso paesi terzi e la gestione del trasporto attraverso società con sede estera per coprire la fornitura alla Libya's arms. "But here we face or permit issued lightly and to some extent shielded from the passage to Malta (so much so that even in the European data were taken mislead) or a true failure to support the regime of Gaddafi , now considered a friend and functional to our foreign policy. " What surely is clear from this case is the need for ironclad control on all deliveries of arms as the Italian Network for Disarmament Affairs to the Government asking for years: "controls that should not be reduced to formal procedures but must be substantial and thoughtful, with strong positions even denying the sales contracts, because here we are dealing with weapons and not candy. weapons that are then responsible for the killings and massacres that we all see and condemn these days . Italian Network for Disarmament and Peace Coffee and then express their concern also regarding the possible change of our law on the export of weapons to Following the implementation of some European Directives (some of these procedures are now being discussed in Parliament included in the "Community law"). "We do not want that with new rules and permissions and a control procedure even weaker when it comes to supplying arms via European partners (such as Malta) example of triangulation of arms read to Libya is the only first of a series of problematic transfers of arms Italian "- says finally George Beretta .
taken from Altreconomia.it http://www.altreconomia.it/site/fr_contenuto_detail.php?intId=2673
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