Tokyo in September 2007
I could not do nursing experience in Tokyo?
Of course not!
fact, I had the opportunity to closely follow the story of a young French woman
practitioner of aikido to ' Hombu doyo
where the Western community is very present and of course
very supportive.
After 4 days of high fever, was admitted to hospital where he was detained before being transferred somewhere else, after a few hours, due to lack of beds.
The diagnosis was, after drawing back, acute pyelonephritis (upper urinary tract infection) for intravenous antibiotic therapy and hospitalization for a week.
The hospital is located in downtown Shinjuku public hospital and is a Tier 3 (which means fully equipped for every problem)
I, had the news I went looking for her, I knew he was here alone and lived in a room next to ' Hombu like many other aikidoka that proximity and affordability to fit tight situations ... also very narrow, as is the case in Tokyo where space is a real luxury to have ! In
many now appreciate our cozy and beautiful house, many are going from here in recent months for a well-seasoned dish of spaghetti, for a laugh, then this position has become now an internet point ..... . including Alice.
That day, on signs of a boy, mate aikido , I reach the hospital and in a bike since I was given the 10th floor lift my head and I ask for exclusion in the building more alto.Difficile what is the main entrance ... By mistakenly from the emergency room, I realize now stationed on the number of stretchers in the hallway for people a little reverse their seats waiting for a doctor and to the faces of relatives preoccupati.Vedo the usual plastic bags with food and drink, a sort of bivouac sad.
continues along the dark corridor and in poor health and I understand that the poor are in place. Without asking anything, there is much movement and no one pays any attention to me that fast-paced and quiet, I sneak in the first elevator that ... I arrived on the 10th floor it comes to finding the bed, the number that was given to me corresponds to an elderly little woman. No one stops me and I continue to search for Alice stanze.Noto now looking at all that the department is mixed, I look after the old lady in a tent and see a man bedridden and so a little I am embarrassed to put his head inside and find the nurse who, as often happens in the hospital, does not know who I'm talking about ... check in his notebook and he takes me deep down, and then, behind her, through the department internal medicine is ancient, and left the room the nurses andare.Vedo mid hallway bathrooms and large dormitories the right divided by curtains instead pareti.Dentro from each tent is completely surrounded and without window, is the patient on the bed and close a table with attached TV: two meters by two, I measured the space.

Each rose is wrapped in his closet, no one talks about, but you know the Japanese are silent people discreet and dignified.
Alice is still feverish in bed with the drip in the arm, with a small pillow under the head of rice, with only a shirt and the sheet below ...
He wakes up and smiles at me, is very tired and sweaty tells me not to kiss her because stinks because does not wash for two days and then says in English "I have not even on his pajamas, when I was accompanied hospital bag and I brought only the clothes I wore ... " The
am depressed after a short while weeping bitterly says that the doctors are good, but the nurses were too busy and can not be understood by them.
In reality there is not much to understand, it lacks everything, even a bottle of water on the bedside table, next to the TV with the remote control (very useful) ...
I, you know, in these situations, I get angry a lot, but I learned to keep calma.Chiamo the nurse and the ritual of bowing ask you to look at the whole folder to include the diagnosis, which fortunately is also written in English and they all look to the values \u200b\u200bof the tests that have the same codes throughout the world. Why is standing in the bed without being washed nor dressed, how never even have water and closed the curtain? "Sometimes to understand there is no need to speak the same language." I say ... sumimasen sumimasen "I've made .. to the need to wash it I had a massage and I insisted on a blanket and pajamas, was not a great speech, the least we can get hurt, according to health in a hospital ... the bargain was also the first admission of his life.

Poor health, a disease that is also in "perfect" in Japan, the center of Tokyo.
I am very impressed by what I saw also the days when we were able to drive around the yard, with real pajamas, and behind the plant tirandoci rusty the infusion.
The courtyard is a dilapidated place, as the hospital, and even more strange in Japan, it's dirty cans and cigarette filters abandoned on the ground near plants rinsecchite.Ho hope that not all public hospitals are so Japanese shabby.

We asked for a picture ...
also to laugh a little ...
even though she is angry!
note that relatives are the real nurses the sick, you may enter at any time, this is not so bad, but can not fail to support those relatives do not have them, right?? Instead, Japan is rich in
così.La lonely people, left alone, the poor and homeless, which are several thousand in Tokyo, do not have the right to pubblica.L 'health care system in Japan works with the employee insurance governativo.Il public and private sectors has a deduction of half the share of salary and his insurance also covers relatives load, while those who do not have a job, if you want insurance, it is not obligated to pay directly to the government, is slightly more expensive and does not cover dependent relatives who must be his own. (sounds strange but I realized that it works because the company in a way penalizes those who do not work or who does not have an appointment scheduled)
costs about 1000 € year and is not calculated according to income (also includes dental care) Then of course there are private insurance. In any case, a share of around 20% is borne by you that whatever structure you choose for treatment. I read recently that the Japanese life insurance companies, are the only ones in the world to reimburse the family if suicidio.Si think that suicide in Japan can be sometimes
a choice to give a solution actual family members who remain.

I would still go through and figure out what to do if they have a bum who is sick in the street ... where they lead? is information that I can not even find on the net.
I saw a woman get pregnant with her husband pushed the wheelchair in the middle of the courtyard and I was sorry for lei.Nella hall vending machines seem to be a railway station in a third world country.
At the end of the hospital course have presented il conto circa 2000 euro per 6 giorni di degenza e per gli esami e le terapie eseguiti.Ero presente quando le hanno detto che non sarebbe uscita dall'ospedale se non avesse pagato, dato che la Europ - assistance non aveva ancora provveduto a mettersi in contatto con l'amministrazione ospedaliera. Non è certo un costo elevato... ma è importante uscire dall'Europa sempre con un'assicurazione personale e se proprio bisogna ammalarsi, ho pensato, tutto sommato se sei italiano meglio in Italia che in Giappone...Gli infermieri (sì, perchè i medici sono anche loro nascosti dietro le tende, ma si sa i medici si nascondono spesso...) ti dicono " sumimasen " e a volte, come in questa, se la cavano così le scuse e gli inchini non possono valere sempre, cari i miei nipponici.Mi fa rabbia la mancanza di assunzione di responsabilità, qui come altrove, la connivenza non la sopporto.
In Italia gli stranieri con permesso di soggiorno possono fare richiesta d'iscrizione al servizio sanitario nazionale gratuitamente, mostrando il permesso di soggiorno,un documento di identità e una domiciliazione .I parenti a carico sono assistiti a loro volta.Le persone senza permesso di soggiorno avrebbero gli stessi diritti , secondo la legge, ma non godono in realtà di nessun tipo di assistenza medica di base dato che non hanno la documentazione per iscriversi national health service, and then turn to voluntary medical facilities such as the Naga of Milan, which solves the immediate problems, with free diagnosis and treatment, doctors volunteered to serious health may certify the need for hospital treatment in this case is then assigned a code that will allow STP for a calendar year to have access to hospital medical care (children and pregnant women in Italy are still given free)
Fortunately up to now has been in good health and still are playing with private insurance.
I want to tell my cervical attack that forced me home for 4 days ... fortunately Holy Brufen ... exercises home care and home confortevole.Comunque is the 4th morning headaches made me think to turn to my landlord, Mr. G. that deserves a post ... which is very kindly called her masseur trust.
After 20 minutes, a man small of stature and of a certain age rang the bell ... he asked me to show him where his body was touching my bad and no more than two words made me lie down on the mat and trattarmi.Avrà had started at least 65 years, with white hair and bright eyes, put his hands between my skin and a piece of white linen and has traveled all over my body to the foot by getting un sollievo immediato.Mi ha massaggiato per un ora, mi ha fatto cambiare diverse posizioni e ha usato su di me non solo le sue mani ma anche le sue braccia i suoi gomiti e anche le sue piante dei piedi.Mi ha chiesto 24 euro e se ne andato con un sorriso...credo che prima di partire lo richiamerò per ricevere un altro trattamento a domicilio, prima esperienza nella mia vita, stupenda...da ripetere senza esitazione anche senza sintomi...grazie a lui e grazie a Mr .G.
(Ma non mi scrivete più???Vi siete dimenticati di me???)
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