Il solstizio d'autunno
21 marzo 2007...
...23 settembre 2007
Siamo arrivati il 21 marzo, il solstizio di primavera...festa nazionale, mi sentivo sperduta e felice,
il cielo era luminoso, ho un ricordo bellissimo anche dei primi " ramen " mangiati facendo rumore con la bocca...
il cibo è sempre un grande collegamento con i luoghi the world, remember that tasted strange, I remember my curiosity and my embarrassment when caught in the bowl with chopsticks in hand ...
E 'come 23 September, the autumn solstice ... national holiday, I feel grateful to this country for all what he knew me and I knew how to take hands and hearts open. I would like to take it all away ...
usual insatiable greed ... I take away a lot.
acqua, terra, aria e
Ho spedito le scatole in Italia via mare e alcuni oggetti sono lì, in partenza per la mia terra, dentro ci sono i regali e strati di giorni, di ricordi e di occasioni colte al volo e anche raccolte con cura.
La libertà e la felicità che ho provato qui resta dentro di me ed è mia, raccontabile solo in parte perchè troppo intensa...impossibile da spedire perchè troppo grande...
comunque unforgettable.
I think it's great that Japan will rejoice in the change of seasons, it is true they are a tangible sign
and ethereal at the same time to make a point and to start something new.
It 's a sign on purpose, does not pass unnoticed . I really like.
Today we went to the factory of origami ... it was time that we wanted a place to go is really interesting as well as beautiful to see. 'a real school. I had a
sensei (teacher) who taught me a bit of art and I was with him for hours to build with paper and paper!
As for 'aikido do not need the language ... the passion through the emotion che non ha bisogno di tante parole.
Io ne uso molte,voi direte!E infatti sono un'allieva lenta...consapevole dei miei tempi lunghi.
Quando ho imparato però non dimentico più, questo me lo riconosco.
Allora, sei mesi a Tokyo, è ora di partire, e devo fare i conti con la difficoltà a lasciare... ciò che ora un pò conosco e che piano piano mi ha fatto innamorare... ho un pò di magone...
Mr G. mi ha chiesto di tornare presto, è il regalo che vuole da me...da noi...
Lui, il nostro padrone di casa, quello che mi ha portato all'alba al Meiji Shrine convincendomi a mangiare riso per colazione.. e passing its milk carton, before crossing the sacred gate, he meets us every time we smile, gives us something or gives us a gift, he speaks with the Ravens said that they too are her friends! He watering every day its roof garden and he says and writes that the world is ONE!
But there seems to have found you as a landlord?
Everything in Tokyo is filmed with a favorable wind, as with Mr. G. To him I leave my
Portulaca and my basil, I know them innaffierà.Lascio origami hanging from the ceiling and the curtains in the room with tatami straw, I leave here willingly a part of my heart.
issiamo Sunday 30 sails and head for San Francisco, I expect a good wind "through" very exciting, we should not do, "Boline" tiring ... I expect some of my American family and are happy to review Lisa Linda and being able to hug me and let me know by Alessia Micol, the small house.
Mata ne ... Nihon Tomodachi ... (goodbye friend Japan!)
Although I have not learned the Japanese have always shown me how to do
I never felt embarrassed, we Rice set the times that I was wrong.
You are friendly people, patient, simple, decent, honest and respectful.
There's a lot to learn, maybe Tokyo you can not find the run, I'm glad to have had much time to get closer every day a little more.
takes me away red hair and green of the boys and the silence of your prayers, what I tried to hear beyond the form, looking for an intimacy simple and sincere, your limited extent, I take with me your strong discipline .
thanks aikido
Hombu dojo
I'll keep the treasure ...
Simon and thanks to the realization of our desires
thanks Japan, who is rooting for us, thanks to those who passed by this house
America here we come!
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