Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Clock Functional Clock Earrings

Avere cash in Giappone è fondamentale

Being able to pay with a credit card in Japan is a real treat ...
Very often in shops and restaurants accept only cash, in addition, for reasons that remain unknown to me, the cards are sometimes rejected even by the banks and post offices.
Yes, this problem always speaks little, but it is certainly convenient to arrive in Japan's yen in tasca.Forse is not a problem for those arriving in Japan with an organized tour, but certainly if you organize your life from you.
For cards such as Visa or Mastercard a foreigner can not be taken at any bank, but only to the City-Bank that are located in some parts of the city, then best to try
suffered a map with the addresses because these banks are not at all street corner and when you go to Tokyo you have to have cash with you.
Here everybody knows, but only after ... Try now a City
-bank at the airport .... We have found no money several times to distraction ... but it is also a little irritating to go to the post office e non poter prelevare più di 10000 yen, l'equivalente di 60 euro...provare per credere, non ci credeva neanche mia sorella, ma ha toccato con mano.In Italia le banche non ti informano di questa difficoltà che tutti arrivando qui si trovano a dover affrontare.
Ognuno poi crede che la sua banca sia affidabile...che le sue carte siano d'oro e d'argento...
Potrei inoltre entrare nel dettaglio di quanta commissione paghi per ogni movimento che fai..posso dirvi che i bancomat sono praticamente inutilizzabili quindi lasciateli pure a casa e non fatevi convincere della loro utilità, dato che costano sia in termini di commissioni che di utilizzo anche di più delle carte di credito.
Noi ormai facciamo girare le carte di credito come fossero tile "scratch" every time a bet is a risk ... and then Japan in cash, cash, cash!
The nice thing here is that you do not cheat, ever, are so careful that you avoid counting the rest and are sure that if you stick the money in the machines from beverage distributors, to those of the subway and bus, always get what you want and the rest is always perfect.
Even when you fail to press the money will be returned ...
In addition, the theft does not exist in Japan so it's no fear even in the streets, I leave the bike with lock and open to spending in the basket ... it gives me a great sense of freedom and security that they I have never seen in any else in the world.
If you forget something in a room you can be sure of finding him the next day even if it is a phone or a watch, if something falls on your hand is definitely someone to chase after you return it ... I, Tricky, I forgot his wallet at the supermarket, after 10 minutes was already in the lost property department uncut! The cost of living is much lower in Japan than in Italy and Europe in generale.Si can always choose how much to spend in restaurants is that in generale.Qui shops in there running to branded products, but if you are interested you can redo a beautiful wardrobe with very little.
There are different types of shops to Own food, I will ho divisi in tre categorie,"ricchi" "poveri"e "poverissimi".Prima vado dai "poverissimi" dove anche il cibo costa 100yen a pezzo o a sacchetto,
trovo della buona verdura (3 piccole melanzane o tre piccole banane 100 yen cioè 60 centesimi di euro!) quello che non trovo dai poverissimi lo troverò dai "poveri", tipo le bibite o la birra o un buon dentrificio, se invece ho bisogno dell'olio extra vergine e della pasta, del pesce freschissimo o dei biscotti buoni o di qualsiasi prodotto di importazione vado dai "ricchi", dove i prodotti costano comunque un pò meno che alla Coop!
Anche le bollette del gas della luce e della connessione ad internet sono meno salate che in Italia.
Il Giappone era un paese caro prima euro entry. For once, I say thank you €!


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