Alitalia? No grazie.
Tokyo agosto2007
Resoconto di un viaggio aereo Milano Tokyo con la compagnia aerea Alitalia .
Utente: Schejola Paola Beatrice.
Use this area to report a malfunction in the network and because readers can be informed and to choose with whom they travel tomorrow ...
On April 18, 2007 at the agency Veronelli Travel Erba (Como), is regularly sold a return ticket Tokyo Milan paid cash for a total of
Euro 969.62 (including taxes) to Schejola Paola Beatrice
Departure: July 16, 2007 15:15 h Malpensa airport to Milan flight AZ 786
Arrival July 17, 2007 10am (local) airport -Tokyo Narita.
called Paul (my sister) July 16 to make sure of his imminent departure, and she reports having received a call agent of Veronelli Travel that warns of flight delays AZ 786; earthquake in Japan because the departure is delayed for four hours.
As agreed with the travel agent, who was in turn warned of the technical problem the airline Alitalia , Paola is in airport 2 hours before check-in. The
check-in at 17 is already closed, and will find a waiting list. The airline Alitalia has not considered the reservations and tickets already sold and accepted the check-in of the first who is is presented (who obviously was not warned by the travel agents) After 1 hour it is given an airline's flight to Osaka and YAL a domestic flight to reach the next ' of Haneda airport (not Narita ...) in Tokyo at 18:45 of the July 17, 2007. Against his will agree to leave, but can not tell me neither the delay nor the change of destinazione.Mi will reach an 'e-mail that I read on the evening of 17 tardi.In Japan too ... I do not have cell phone and I consider him a true luxury.
arrived in Osaka missing suitcase. After
regular complaint and holding a voucher good for meals not given the lengthy procedures bureaucratic (do not mess around in Japan, the modules must be completed in their entirety and without an interpreter ...) salt on the plane that will take her to ' of Haneda airport in Tokyo at 18.45. (The voucher for a meal in Tokyo will not be worth more!)
I, after the phone call the night before departure (7 hours is the time zone between us), unaware of the events occurred in the morning I make sure, with a call to ' Alitalia down, of the departure AZ 786 which has been the delay. I confirm that the aircraft is in flight and will arrive for all local h.16.00 ' Narita airport a Tokyo.
Effettivamente era realmente in volo peccato che non mi sia stato detto che 12 persone(quelle avvertite dalle rispettive agenzie che avevano raggiunto telefonicamente i loro clienti perché a loro volta erano state avvertite dalla compagnia aerea Alitalia ) tra le quali mia sorella, avevano dovuto cambiare rotta e compagnia aerea.
Raggiungo dopo 1.30 ore di viaggio con il Narita express l' aeroporto di Narita . Tra i passeggeri in arrivo Paola non c'è.Mi stupisco e mi chiedo se per via del parmigiano reggiano non l'abbiano trattenuta in dogana :)...attendo pazientemente 1 ora. Mi rivolgo all'ufficio informazioni giapponese e le kind used to make me understand I can only wait, if I want I can call the immigration office and give me a phone number, knowing that I do not speak Japanese. I also request you to communicate with your airline Alitalia , but the 17 offices are closed so there is a referent. They apologize, but not too much. I call the immigration office from a pay phone, the 'clerk of course I do not understand Japanese, and so I kindly ask a lady to talk to me, I'm looking Schejola Paola is in your office? Answer unclear, when you can not know. The Japanese lady did not do capacity, but continues to help me, (they are like if you take care of you, Do not leave things in most if not completed) at the information back with me to try to understand the Japanese and used to u translate the answers into English. Wonder if you can get a list of flight passengers AZ 786, but I do say that it is impossible. I strongly doubt that arises is Paola partita.Un bit ' in confusion and a bit' worried among the people I see a blue hat and green ' Alitalia flight attendant ... but, I reach travel and although she understands giapponesissima my English ... begins to use his cell phone is doing something to get out and get its protocol di sapere che Schejola Paola Beatrice(cavoli non mi è subito venuto in mente il suo secondo nome mentre l'hostess che ripeteva "beo beo"cercando il mio assenso era davvero sconcertata ) effettivamente non è partita con il volo AZ 786 ma con quello della YAL per Osaka e che sta arrivando all' aeroporto di Haneda a Tokyo. A ripensarci ora il fatto del nome incompleto mi sembra una giapponesità , non bastava Schejola Paola?? L'efficientissima hostess comunque mi infila sollecita sul limousine bus delle 18.15 per Haneda e dopo 90 minuti di viaggio( i due aeroporti tokyensi sono lontani tra loro uno the other is south east) in the pouring rain trying to reach the area of \u200b\u200bdomestic arrivals, losing a bit ' on escalators. It is now the
19.30, has already landed his plane, she can not imagine that I now know what happened ... I suddenly feel so call and see her, she accompanied on a sliding scale from the Japanese kind of shift that also wears a pink hat! Eventually we made it, but it was especially hard for her that she was tired and hungry worried about not knowing where to go alone in a country so and more difficult without a suitcase. It was and is still very angry with the ' Alitalia much that he swore di non viaggiare mai più con loro. Anch 'io ero e sono arrabbiata per l'assistenza che non ho ricevuto con la mia telefonata del mattino e in aeroporto ; se non avessi preso io l'iniziativa sarei stata chissà fino a che ora ad aspettare senza sapere cosa fare.
La valigia è poi arrivata a casa 3 giorni dopo e solo 3 ore prima della nostra partenza per l' onsen di Takaragawa ...
Il 16 di agosto è stato il viaggio di check -in la valigia pesava troppo, 5 kg in più dei 20 ammessi, siamo a Tokyo, l'impiegata giapponese Alitalia pretende 30 euro a kilo non c'è possibilità di chiudere one eye, she keeps them wide open for what it and its look is very strict in front of everyone ... then we open the suitcase and emptied, now comes the Japanese guard and says, I think, that you can not do ... we pretend not to understand and move forward quickly to remove stuff while other tourists pay the fine ... all the bags are overweight, but I live in Tokyo ... daijoobu , no problem , carry me home linens and towels ... we look really two immigrants, close the suitcase laugh while the Italians and the Japanese are concerned, we put it back on the scale. OK 20 kg Paola ... can I stay in Tokyo from the laundry in her arms ... and I think Alitalia + Japan = BINGO! To put the whole company
the Alitalia has already repaid all 'arrival in Milan, a part of the trip with two credit cards and will be reimbursed the costs incurred in Tokyo to buy the bare minimum for three days in which remained without a suitcase.
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