Monday, December 20, 2010

Good Camcorder For Under 600 And Dof


foto: veduta del Parco Colonnetti

Temperature proibitive quelle di questi giorni. Appena si esce di casa il freddo viene subito a scortarci e a farci compagnia, anche quando svolgiamo i nostri consueti allenamenti all'aria aperta.

Basta vestirsi di più, dirà qualcuno. Vero, però è vero anche che ci si può coprire quanto si vuole, ma non c'è way to avoid breathing the cold air. Not much is known for mild and medium speeds, but when you push the throttle appear sometimes pesky stomach cramps which force you to slow down the pace.

accustomed to run in a park, I can enjoy the benefits of sports activities away from the hard asphalt and the air made heavy by exhaust gases. But the cold weather of recent days appears to compact the soil until it becomes like cement. And I believe that the shoes were losing their power too quickly absorbing!

course are never happy. I complain of the cold, but if I think about the possibility that in a few months could get a hot summer, I start already sweating ... ;-)


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