The StraBRICHERASIO , sponsored by the local AIB in collaboration with the Athletics Pellice Valley, was a true gathering jogging involving children, young people, older people, families . walkers and Nordic walkers fitwalkers: a confirmation of what is now the world of diverse participants in these initiatives ...
for the occasion on the evening of Thursday, December 9, thanks to mild day made an exception in a generally cold period, saw 555 people gathered in Bricherasio participants well as confirming a growing involvement compared with 476 the previous edition. The remarkable presence of young people, with 124 up to 15 years, 86 between fitwalkers walkers and Nordic walkers, runners and 345 walkers.
At 19 on board a motorcycle Bonneville Scrambler has materialized a nice Santa Claus has been created that the mood of celebration by being available for individual or group photos only exist as the original pioneer of non-competitive race.
At 19.15 the children tried their hands at the gym for the play path-gym under the supervision of instructor and started the race at 19.25 provincial youth with different routes based on age and took to 19.55 the street walkers.
started punctually at 20.10 the non-competitive of about 5.5 km (3 laps of 1830 meters c / a).
few minutes before this departure Paul Bert (Valley Infernotto) bricherasiese the best performance in the mountains especially over long distances and award-winning of the Three Refuges, it awarded the last place among the members and, shortly thereafter, to remedy the delay, took first place on arrival.
At the start it immediately took the lead of the large group of non-competitive tailed by Beppe Caserta (Atl: Pinerolo) and the young Loris Tourn (Atl. Pellice) who tried in vain to overtake him during the journey ends, respectively, 2 and 3 second place with a gap of few seconds. In the women's favorite Eufemia Magro (Dragoner) confirmed the prediction by imposing a distance greater than one minute to Barbara Rubiola (GS Pomaretto) 3 rd place for Red Lucia (Atl. Saluzzo).
course very pleased with the Aib and Val Pellice Athletic Associations and the local Avis, Cycling, Motoclub Edelweis and Podistica None have worked so hard. A special thanks to the Association
traders, artisans and farmers who have associated with the three butchers cooked and distributed to everyone in the restaurant one or more hot sandwiches with sausage. Really a true mini-banquet organized with care and topped off with a sparkling atmosphere of joy and celebration with the participation of entire families, individual walkers, runners as well as occasional guests. Inside the courtyard, an acrid smell of smoke emitted from the cooking aroma characterized by the massive amounts of grilled sausages welcomed the veterans of different races, more or less neatly lined up waiting their turn to be served by smiling volunteers.
Below are reported in order of arrival of the unofficial first eleven men, 11 women and the first winners of various categories of the provincial youth race.
Men: Paul BERT 18'51, 18'55 Beppe CASERTA, Loris TOURNE 19'05, 19'52 PERIN Michelangelo, Gian Luca FERRATO 19'53, 19'57 Vacchieri Luca, Andrea Bertuglia 20'00 , Massimo Lasino 20'17, 20'16 Nevola Domenico, Marco Amprimo 20:19, RAS Diego 20.20.
Women : SKIMMED Eufemia 21'42, 23'06 Rubiolo Barbara, RED Lucia 24'00, 24'39 Beux Alessia, PLAVAN Marina 24'41, 24'52 VIOTTI Giulia, MILANI Adele 25'00, Marzia Fornerone 25'20, 25'45 Vaccarino Bruna, Loredana WALKER 26'29, 26'32 GROSSO Mariangela.
Youth: Es / C; PONS Simone (Pomaretto) - Alessandro Saragosa (Caffaro). Es / B, Maenza Domenico (Pomaretto) - Ribet Arianna (Pomaretto). Es / A, Olocco Peter (Buschese) - Malano Chiara (Pinerolo) - R / I, BREUSA Tristan (Agnelli GS) - Richard Martin (Pomaretto) - C / I COCOBON Carlos Edoardo - BERTIN Alessia (Val Pellice).
C. Merlo for AIB - Civil Protection Bricherasio (To)
Photos of the event viewed at: PicasaWeb Alessio Raccanello
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