Tokyo June 3, 2007
days have been thick and full of emotion .... so much so that today I am with fucking a sore back that will not let me move! lumbago? Well, I need the expert hands of Andrew, I do not know if in these cases we must strive to stand still or move, and however much it hurts in any position, if I move the weight forward on all fours or am I feel a bit 'of relief, not even San Brufen works, but the mood is high and so it approffitta to write and update you. The mood is high now, I've actually spent some moments a little 'tough by aikido and my mental attitude towards this sport that if many people feel and see while being busy is also fun for me may very often become a challenge to myself, so easily hard work and frustrating.
But why do you do? I whistle this good question in my ears ... but I have no rational answers to dare.Nella aikidoistika day of the demonstration, I felt excited as well when you do not know what really happens in an undisclosed location ... the revenue , exits, dressing rooms hidden by the curtains in the 5 large tatami room ... which is mine? Different colors distinguish them, revenue outputs and different for everyone, Okay, I thought, I will lead my companions ... pity party for a breath of foul air nicotine went out with Simon and we lost the internal connections in Japan and this should not succedere.Dove I go now? With my ghee (the dress dell'aikidoca) immaculate?
In what direction? I had few answers from the hostess in uniform with almond-shaped eyes in the basement of the Nihon Budokan, but luckily I met a Japanese friend who accompanied me literally in front of my dressing room seeing and understanding my panic ... I move the tent, among many, and I see Hiromi! my only friend who speaks some English, but that tells me with excitement, hayaku, hayaku! (Soon soon )..... I seemed to see Madonna, I have not released it the fact I held her hand! The others were waiting at the entrance of the red mat with a male flight attendant who held up a sign written in kanji, which probably was written "Beginner Hombu dojo," and so in line for two women before the men behind, we corsettina ordered arrived with slow, each at his post, on the mat while the teacher controlled the scene.
greet with bow to the masters, to greet his partner.
Then the drumbeat (o-taiko) and the voice of the lead ship BEGINNING give the demonstration. Everything goes well, the right the left the times coordinated. Again, the hitting of the drum.
emotion and silence. Applauso.Saluto Comrade salute to the masters.
's done, exit back into line with short run, the content and reassuring smile of the master and the Sechi satisfied with the performance of the more mundane master Kanazawa ....
Well, I was happy, I must admit, I wanted to not blatantly wrong, I'd be ashamed too. There were a lot of Aikido of all ages, even in those there was a subterranean world of passion, a world of commitment, seriousness and divertimento.Saranno past 5 on the mat at least 3000 people, including children and all beautiful rings of the stadium were packed with spettatori.Dopo schools of all grades of Japan, have practiced the great Japanese sensei and perhaps for the first time I watched with keen interest and understanding also of the nuances and differences in research practices.
E 'was a day that ended in the afternoon with a walk in the garden of Kitanomaru and a good dinner in one of those restaurants where they cook for themselves on a sort of grid in the middle of the table, meat, vegetables, fish, every time a new game ... and I like tantissimo.Nei days prior to the show I thought to do a good thing to participate in lessons for beginners of grandmaster Osawa, he is a very kind and patient and to his lessons involved some everyone, even advanced students who are very willing to make suggestions, you change partner per ogni tecnica e il tempo dedicato ad ognuna è molto lungo, tutto si svolge in silenzio a un ritmo sostenuto, ma possibile.Bè quel pomeriggio, per quando mi ripetessi" gambalo-ne" (dai il meglio di te) mi ha preso il panico da prestazione, seguito da una confusione mentale totale.Mi sono sentita un'oca che doveva darsi all'ippica????(no,troppo faticosa) come si dice a Milano, ma semmai al giardinaggio che mi riesce bene e che è così praticato in Giappone.Crisi!!Ero paonazza, fradicia di sudore, mortificata.Mi sono rivestita e camminando verso casa mi dicevo :"ma perchè ti succede?cosa ti scatta in quel momento, dove ti riporta questo senso di inadeguatezza e soprattutto perchè insisti e sei così testarda?Testarda o tenace?Ho scelto tenace e sono tornata anche questo venerdì per due bellissime ore di pratica oltre naturalmente alle ore dell'accademy.
Povero Simone, ha molta pazienza con me e a casa mi dà ripetizioni sul nostro tatami...Oggi però la strega (il colpo...) è arrivata! Tra un pò vi scrivo a sono contenta che la vita mi emozioni...
Si avvicina lunedì e mi sa che oggi a lezione farò mitorikeiko (imparare con gli occhi)
Devo tradurre "ho troppo mal di schiena" per Sechi sensei...
Games in Tokyo there and since I enjoy watching women of all ages, I found that often have blue eyes ... Then I slipped in a shopping more fun and noisy, on different floors, offering all kinds of items, from bags, designer in disguise, dressed as a carnival, colorful wigs, sexy lingerie for men and women, to 1000 yen and watches pure food and a bazaar biclette.Insomma truly original, all at reasonable prices, therefore suitable for the game ... go in there is an experience not to be missed. Many young
Japanese are very fond of dressing up and bleached hair, meetings often dressed up as dolls or girls with provocative clothes that mimic the characters from manga comics.
attentive to every detail is mutual adjustment and photographing each other, traveling on public transport with a black and white striped socks to the knee and very high heels, from which seem to fall at any moment, but the most surprising thing is often the look, with different colors of the iris and hair biondi.Sì, there are only good girls are dressed in the sailor, here everything is permitted provided that you comply with the rules strictly convivenza.Fumano areas equipped with ashtrays, resting at traffic lights until the light turns green and are together with the gentlemen in black suits to work or to women with more traditional kimono.Frequentano particular areas like Shibuya or Rappongi, but they are almost everywhere, boys and girls often do not go together, you know that a lot of fun to be apart for meet after the desired location, in the meantime they settle with each other signs of approval or correct the trick.
organize parties or to be found in local parks such as the Yoiogi in Shibuya, where they play and sing with backing tracks on the street and they clap and take pictures of passers-by. The cell phone is ubiquitous

Ho scoperto che la "V" significa "pace".Vittoria mi avrebbe deluso!

Qualche giorno fa, spinta come sempre dalla curiosità sono entrata, rigorosamente sola, nel bazar per concentrarmi su ogni articolo attraente e così ho trovato le lenti colorate...che faccio?Le compro anch'io?Scelgo le più semplici e meno vistose, c'erano anche viola!!!e cerco di farmi spiegare dalla commessa se sarà semplice provare a metterle anche se non ho mai messo delle
lenti a contatto in vita mia.Alla fine parliamo in spagnolo e mi convince che è un gioco da ragazzi...
Allora? Come vi sembro?

Simone dice che sono diventata "Tania"

MA tranquilli, sono anche così.....come mi conoscete
Ora purtroppo sono così!!

Oh ... now there '... the earthquake, the house was moving and these days it has happened 4 times ... my wood panels separating the local and tremble the lamp of straw on the ceiling to the balcony overlooking muove.Mi but nobody cares, life prosegue.OK.
In this country there is a serious matter that disappoints me and I was not aware (stupid ignorance)
Yesterday I found that surfing the internet in Japan has been in force the death penalty by hanging.
The sentence is usually the result of intentional murder or manslaughter. The
sentenced to death live in one of the seven prisons presenti in Giappone con i bracci della morte, dal giorno della condanna il prigioniero non vede più i suoi parenti e non sa quando avverrà l'esecuzione, ogni giorno è buono, spesso arriva dopo 6-7 anni di detenzione.
I giapponesi si dichiarano favorevoli alla pena di morte, pare, per l'80%.
L'ultima esecuzione è di quest'anno, i dati sono di Amnesty International.
Il Giappone quindi è ancora uno dei 83 paesi al mondo dove la costituzione prevede questa pena (117 non la applicano).Ho scoperto che l'Italia è stata uno dei primi paesi ad abolirla nel 1889, per poi riadottarla per il tempo della dittatura.
In Giappone gli studi della psichiatra Sodokata Kogi, condotti per due anni su un campione di 145 murderers have shown that none of the respondents had thought, before committing the crime, the risk of being sentenced to death. This is because the crimes had been made under the influence of violent emotions such as anger or revenge.
Report: the well-known Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng was denied permission to enter Japan where he was to give a speech to the 18th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square democracy protests of .
Your post came at last .... I was wrong all the settings back and then ........ thanks
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