Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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practical course in journalism for the New Verona

In Verona - Verona CISL - Ass Monastery of the Common Good

The data provided by immigration CISL di Verona said that in 2009 minor children of immigrants in Verona (G2) were 22,375, on an immigrant population of 96,309 units. In 2004 these children were 11,116. Their number is then doubled in just five years.
too often immigrants are perceived only as a source of problems. In this superficial assessment - which derives from stereotypes created by the media and racist policies - is opposed to the effort of several agents working for social integration through valuable initiatives that have as their subject the immigrant, with all its problems. ;
However, it is permissible to begin to ask whether it might be time to think about a further effort to leave the ghetto in which the lead inevitably problematic. The occasion for reflection is provided by G2, now age citizens born in Verona. They tell us that seminars and in-depth about the plight of immigrants may paradoxically hinder the attainment of true social equality, with equal dignity, rights and duties with respect to Verona traditionally understood.
This new phase should provide valuable tools for equal participation in cultural, social and political life of the place where the G2 live. One of these tools can be practical course in journalism for the New Verona, which has a concrete outcome: the publication of a newspaper. Participate actively in the processes of communication will strengthen the bond with the land, object of interest journalism, contributing to the construction of well-integrated identity and cultural patterns in step with the times.

WHO IS THE COURSE AIMED The proposal is for a maximum of 15-20 motivated young people, aged between 17 and 24 years: G2 with a fair command of the Italian language (written and spoken), but also Verona native, in order to foster dialogue and exchange. Desirable for the presence of a senior, with good spoken and written Italian for the correction of the papers.
The program is developed in six meetings 18:03 to 6:05 . There is a theoretical starting with the intervention of experts. Then the work will be organized as in a newspaper editors' meeting (the boys), the drafting of the rudder, the dummy, the choice of subjects, distribution of tasks. Between meetings, the students will perform activities independently in order to make a tabloid newspaper. Once prepared the material, we will proceed with the titling and electronic pagination, printing and proofreading.
Participants aged between 17 and 24 years, must meet the following basic requirements:
a) Curiosity and motivation to improve the knowledge of where you live
b) Basic knowledge of recent current events which have affected the city
c) Social skills and good knowledge of Italian language (written and spoken)
d) Report any texts produced.

Saturday, March 12, 2011, at 15, will be held at the State Institute of Art N. Nani Via delle Coste, 6 (Verona) an interview to verify the real motives of each candidate.

match venues
Studio Editoriale Giorgio Montolli , Lungadige King Theodoric 10, Verona periodic news and culture

CISL, Lungadige Galtarossa 22, Verona

Ass Monastery of the Common Good , v. Mezzomonte 28, Verona (loc. Sezano)

Alessandro Mazzer, Asst Monastery of the Common Good, Verona (loc.Sezano)
Tel 045.4853060 / 349.8126644 - Fax 045.550811
See info and schedule - Download pdf


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