Sunday, February 27, 2011

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RECORD, all according to plan

Archived the third edition of RECORDATI , all concentrated along the track event Ring Turin Marathon in Parco Ruffini Turin. Ranked among the 355-kilometer marathon and ten animated the morning in the park in Turin.

Simone Bracciodieta è riuscito nella goliardica impresa che si era ripromesso: correre la maratona più veloce di sempre vestito con camice da medico e stetoscopio. Simone ha completato i 42,195 metri del percorso in 3h32'05", battendo dunque con estrema facilità il precedente primato dell'inglese Tom Solomon. Anche lui è entrato nel Guinness dei Primati, quarto torinese dopo Enzo Caporaso, Cristina Borra e Marinella Satta.

Nella maratona successo di Andrea Bertuglia in 2h46'10" davanti a Flavio Camastra e Massimo De Cesare. Nella prova lunga femminile, Adriana Zappalà si aggiudica il primo gradino del podio davanti a Margherita Scutaru e Cristina Borra.

La 10 km celebrating the success of cussin Stefano Guidotti Icard, who ended his trial in 32'17 ", with ample room to Joseph and Fred Caserta Vesco. In the women, before crossing the line in front of Claudia Bertinat Iebole and Roberta Ilene Monno.





Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Dinner Referendum Public Water

The referendum committees Veronese, 2 Yes for 'Water Common Good is pleased to invite you to

Friday, March 4, 2011, at 20:00
at the Circolo ARCI di Montorio, via Peach 6 / industrial zone in Montorio (VR)

The evening will be open from monologue Vincenzo Todesco
"The Merchants of the Earth"

A e have collected 1 million 400 thousand signatures in three months to say no to the privatization of water. Ora inizia la campagna referendaria .  Per affermare il principio che l'acqua è un bene comune la maggioranza degli Italiani deve votare sì.   E' necessaria una grande mobilitazione .  To remain independent we rely on self-financing. is the reason for this dinner . The proceeds will be used to cover part of the costs of the referendum.


pasta amatriciana and
sauce to the vegetables
( A)

stew with polenta
or mixed cheese

roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables

Cake House

wine and tap water


ON referendum campaign .

For more information and to book the call to dinner
Ernesto Bonometti 348.8219343 or write to

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Censorship: web-manual rebellion

"Error 404: page not found"
The network as a multiplier of ideas and claims. And off the dictatorial regimes to silence the voice of protest. Tools that have to do and how to succeed. But opponents know how to circumvent the prohibitions of
Arturo di Corinto (

no one can deny that the Internet has played a role important in the insurrection that led to the first flight of Ben Ali and Mubarak and (maybe) after Gaddafi. The network is in fact the first offer as a platform to denounce the corruption and popular anger and then as an instrument of organization and coordination of protest actions which multiplies the force. But not everything started from there. Although the protests had been prepared by the underground workings of bloggers and activists who have often paid with imprisonment and torture their denunciation of the regime, had to wait for the bread riots in order to understand the extent to which he had dug the discontent.

Protests have erupted in Tunisia after a street vendor set himself on fire in protest contro le continue angherie della polizia. Solo dopo è partita una mobilitazione generale in cui quello che accadeva nelle strade veniva comunicato al mondo via Internet e poi rimbalzato da radio e tv indipendenti per essere ripreso e sparato su Twitter, Facebook, Youtube ed altri social media producendo un effetto di emulazione nei paesi vicini. Quando i regimi si sono accorti della potenza moltiplicatrice  della rete, hanno provato a bloccarla, riuscendovi, anche se solo per poco.

La rete si ferma solo se si spegne . Ma come è possibile fermare la rete delle reti se il mito delle sue origini parla a communication device capable of withstanding a nuclear war? "The Net interprets censorship as a malfunction and routes around it." There is some truth in the words of John Gilmore, an expert cryptographer and founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation , and is in the operating logic of the network using a technology, packet switching, packet switching, which treats the data as the carriages of a train that arrived at the interchange stopped divide, take different paths and then are reunited at their destination. But if the network is nothing to bypass. What happened on January 28 in Egypt and then in Libya on February 19 was just that: the disconnection della rete dai circuiti nazionali e internazionali.

Come ci sono riusciti? La risposta è semplice: per ordine del governo. Il traffico di Internet viene operato in tutti i paesi dai carrier di telecomunicazioni attraverso le proprie infrastrutture: linee telefoniche, fibre ottiche, cavi dedicati, ponti radio e connessioni wireless. Queste compagnie non solo sono soggette alle leggi e all'autorità dei paesi nei quali operano ma spesso sono di proprietà pubblica e operano in regime di monopolio o quasi monopolio, sicché se un governo gli chiede di spegnere la rete, lo fanno.

E' accaduto in Nepal nel 2005 in seguito all'indizione della legge marziale e nella ex Birmania nel 2007 durante la rivolta dello zafferano. I due countries have been completely isolated. All over the country just in time this complaint was repeated many times in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Bahrain, Uganda, Yemen, Iran, in elections or political demonstrations, and in the Chinese province of Xinjiang after a series of ethnic conflicts. The "shutdown" of the network, however, is a measure so drastic that it is impossible to sustain for long. The economic damage it produces are disastrous. For this reason, African regimes had previously acted in blocking sites, preventing the use of social networks, making it impossible for cellular communications.

How do I lock internet . Techniques disconnection implemented by authoritarian regimes are many and include the blocking of IP addresses, the URL through a proxy server, tampering with the DNS (the system that lets us find the addresses of sites), actions that inhibit access to specific web pages , entire domains (. org.. com,. ly, etc.), or specific addresses. Other techniques involve the installation of filters within the user's computer, keyword blocking, which prevents access to sites that have certain words in the name or impede the search engines view them on the basis of blacklists of hot words. That's what still happens in the network when you type the words China Tibet or Falun Gong. These techniques were used during all the repressions North Africa.

But this happens more often than we think. The OpenNet Initiative - a research project on censorship and control of the network involving the Universities of Toronto, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge - found that more than 36 countries at various levels filter political content, religious sites, pornography, gambling. And what is worse is that network users often do not know, because it does not engage in prohibited activities, and because the means of censorship more prosaic use techniques such denunciations, arrests and intimidation. All of these techniques, technological filters and actions of police, needless to say are known by the name of Peking Consensus.

The web that is cross-border . So why despite all the insurgents in the same network can communicate via the web? Because if the cellular telephone network or work, or you have a satellite phone, you can connect to a foreign server, even using a regular dialup modem to make the phone number of the operator opens the door on the Internet (as Telecomix . org). In the case of a special team of Egyptian revolt Google has made available a list of these numbers 2. The problem with the modem is the first part of the connection is analog, so if the government intercept telephone communications are trouble. But if a computer uses anonymizing software like Tor, the links to forbidden sites are encrypted and not recognize cyberpoliziotti passing them 3 .

In Tunisia, where the control and filter e-mails is legal since 1998, satellite connections prohibited for individuals, and camping in the cybercafe where lists of banned sites and PCs have spyware, techniques were used to block interference and Selective such as DNS poisoning and IP filtering, circumvented by Anonymous (famous for the attacks to defend Wikileaks), to achieve defacement of government websites (I changed the homepage), while in Egypt bank and broker who sympathized with the rebels have made a bridge for communication using the provider Noor which was not locked. Moreover, since the first in Tunisia and Libya 4 after several filters were applied to computer technology many have used to communicate Speak2Tweet, a service that allows you to record and listen to voice messages sent over the telephone Twitter 5 .

Even Twitter has had some problems, but its engineers have worked around the decentralization of the server. Many of the services we use are objectionable because centralized and thus begin to depopulate the publication distributed systems on users' computers. In Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, but also in other states depopulated software for Windows and Linux, simple to use, all Italian, which allows the creation of "web sites" outside of the web portal with forums and blogs that do not require any central server - the portal propagates in peer to peer (p2p) and is duplicated in full in the computer of each node connected 6 .

Enterprise hacker and human rights activists have offered tools to insurgent to circumvent censorship and ensure privacy and anonymity to freely communicate and access, without getting caught, blocked or inaccessible content, hiding his identity. And this is the other part of the explanation. At this time, to know if a site is inaccessible as possible and report his complaint to the world you can still use a simple tool developed at Harvard University: it is called Herdict 7 .

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Waiting for the new record Recordando

photo: from left Ceseracciu Francesco, Giuseppe Sbriglio , Maurizio and Simone Pitti Bracciodieta

Next Sunday, February 27, 2011, Parco Ruffini as RECORDATI race, the track event organized by the Tour of Italy Run. Two distances involved: 10 km, and not competitive, and marathon. Both to be run on the now famous Ring Turin Marathon , 2 km circuit built inside the perimeter of the park in Turin.

Enzo Caporaso we know for the record on 51 marathons in 51 days and 100 km in seven for seven consecutive days. And when the organization does, given that the record can not do it, try to get it done to someone else. Inspired by

right student spirit, the Turin Simone Bracciodieta wants to enter the Guinness Book of World Records trying to run the marathon faster than ever ... dressed as a doctor, with a gown and stethoscope! Given the performance to be improved, 4h21'09 "Tom Solomon made last year in London, and the ability to Simon, there should be no problem to hit the goal.

But the records sought will not be just that. From January 4, in fact, Francis Ceseracciu , petrol station and cinquantaseienne Maurizio Pitti, thirty-eight traffic policemen, they're running every day the distance of a half marathon. 150 consecutive days which will end June 2, 2011, Feast of the Italian Republic. E Sunday will be heading to Ruffini.

For more information:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Meetings Legality

within the cycle Mafia Know the law and accountability to build
MONDAY 28 February, 20.45
Stigmatines CSF, via Cavalcaselle, 20 Verona (Bg. Trento )

Monica Zornetta
Meet Zornetta Monica,
journalist who writes for "Narcomafie" and is author of "The Surrender. Rise and decline of Felix Manor."
moderates Lara Boccalon , journalist Rai 3 region
readings Stephen Boccuzzi, actor and director

schedule meetings see>> download pdf>>
audio of the meetings to the footer
info: 349 8126644

organize: Public Notice , Asst Monastery of the Common Good, Community Stigmatines of Sezano join: Veronin , The Survivor, Radio Popolare Verona support : Banca Etica, FabioGuadagni-Creative Solutions

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bright Red Dress And Lips


The photos came out randomly, I tried in the midst of those this year just to stay in the here and ora.La history is important for me. Here in Milan and I'm looking for a house for the lunanuova. I just got back from Rome by train after a few days with my new baby Thomas ...
I'm with Simon.
The door is open, is very clear, let me know where I'm going.

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rossana sempre in viaggio....

Always on the go, this is an inner journey, certainly a little more boring, if I remember how you make a post ... it's a fun part may be that I take the time. for example ... I try to upload a photo at random and a bit already pubblicare.a rossana after

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the rite sound "of Mariangela Gualtieri

Interview with M. Gualtieri
with Mariangela Gualtieri
Saturday, February 26 at 21
Church of San Domenico, Via del Ponte
- Verona.
Info and bookings:
mimesis.verona @ .

Association Mimesis , proposes the reading performance- Beast of joy Mariangela Gualtieri which kicks off the collection of poems recently published by Einaudi. The texture of this new "ritual noise" is based on a wire house, in which the archaic nature and the powers of nature are in the foreground, with a minimum I listen to the sound of grain, with which you are addressed words of love that blend with the whole wide worlds.

"What does not change / I sing / the cloud, the top, the stem / ... the courage of the animal in its lair / in the leaves born between the legs ..." without fear are sung the most simple things, with the intent to bring them back to their mysterious, ancient power. This continues the adventure of the energy inside Gualtieri oral / aural poetry, in the certainty that it is an ancient and current path to understanding and compassion in the world.

The initiative was developed in collaboration with: the Commonwealth of Stigmatine Sezano, Studio William Association Monastery of the Common Good.
Under the patronage of the Municipality of Verona - Department of Culture differences Equal Opportunities.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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If not now when?

Verona February 13. We were there to say, our outrage, along with thousands of citizens.

From Rome the howl of more than 500 thousand people, the dignity of women!

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those regulations

Beware of regulations, especially when they are actually applied. Three weeks ago, the Cross of Pellerina, the speaker reminded the microphone FIDAL legislation that provides for the payment of a fine rather than salt, 100 €, if an athlete to compete without being pinched you wear the jersey social. It seems that this year the first penalties have already been imposed.

During this period he takes the field at the weekly basis, and therefore the problem does not arise. When will the summer and will open the season of competitions evening, however, we must be careful when you choose to compete on consecutive days, maybe on Wednesday and Thursday. If you have, such as myself, a single currency and you do not have time to wash it, the worse for you: wear it anyway, or you risk paying the fine.

Regulations must be respected but, personally, such a penalty could not feel the need.

For more information please look at this document:
Dues and Rights of the Secretariat 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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With snowshoes on snow Pragelato

above: photo of Alessio Raccanello

Sunday Pragelato ski holiday with the eleventh edition of RACCHETTINVALLE , race-walking with snowshoes. Many runners, but even more people who wanted to walk in the mountains in a way a bit 'unusual.

Frenchman Stephane Ricard wins the competitive test in 38'43 "in front of St. Anthony (38'57") and Philip Barizza. In the women's high test Maria Grazia Roberti that this victory is poker. The Garda has closed his performance in 45'44 ", clearly in front of the opposing Andreu Tria (49'53") and Monica Ardid Ubeda (51'36 ").

Qui sotto il link con alcune fotografie scattate da Alessio Raccanello:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Rome, Florence, Brescia. It lengthens the list of prosecutors against expulsion

from the blog of journalist and writer Gabriele Del Grande, " fortress Europe"

02/04/2010 prosecution of Brescia and Florence, Rome prosecutors also announced that arrest will not proceed as for the offense of failure to the order of expulsion, and file the current processes, depending on the implementation of the new European directive on returns, which came into force in December. In short, in Rome, Florence and Brescia, Italy and soon in all, no one can be arrested because he or expired documents because they did not leave Italy within five days from the Quaestor to leave the country. Article 14 of the Bossi Fini will soon be just a bad memory. In fact, even where the prosecution have not yet handed in an official way, there were indeed cases of legal victories by those lawyers who have appealed to the European directive to secure the release of their clients, at least in Pinerolo, Milan, Turin and Genoa.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Scripture civil commitment


dialogo con il poeta e scrittore eritreo
Hamid Barole Abdu
e testimonianze di cittadini immigrati e italiani

Venerdì 18 febbraio ore 20.30
Lungadige Galtarossa, 22 - Verona

organizzano: Cisl Verona, Anolf Verona, Ass. Monastero del Bene Comune, Ass. Pangea, Stimmatini di Sezano
aderiscono: La casa degli immigrati Onlus, Centro pastorale immigrati Verona, Cestim

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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House reception, sharing, free

Siamo felici di annunciare l'apertura de la casa di Aurora * frammento di un sogno che si concretizza, il sogno di una nuova narrazione del mondo.
Un luogo in cui le narrazioni e i pensieri si incontrano, dove praticare per brevi periodi l' accoglienza  di giovani italiani o di altre nazionalità, dove le differenze, i saperi tradizionali, le spiritualità hanno valore proprio perché diverse dalla mia. Uno stile di condivisione degli spazi, ma anche delle nostre vite, sognando il diritto ad una umanità più human. A proposal to gratuity for an economy of justice, which you can use to think of things, space, time, money in the service of a common creation.

courtesy in use by Anna L. and family.
Information and reception: , t. 347 2256997
To support economically 's house Aurora :
BANK ETHICS, IBAN: IT52 R050 1812 1010 0000 0129 779

* Aurora, a girl of Crotone, failure in June 2010, dear friends of the Monastery of the Common Good, with whom we shared the dream of a just and fraternal humanity, thinking of new ways of living together , of welcome, of sharing.

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When the limit is in the mind

Chi di voi ha partecipato al MIGLIO DI TORINO, o almeno ha avuto fra le mani il volantino della gara, non avrà potuto fare a meno di notare il gesto atletico e la grande sofferenza dell'uomo ritratto nella locandina. Di chi si tratta? Stiamo parlando di Roger Bannister , il primo uomo ad infrangere il muro dei quattro minuti nel miglio.

Di persone che hanno migliorato record sportivi ce ne sono state in passato, ce ne sono attualmente e ce ne saranno in futuro, ma l'impresa di quest'individuo ha qualcosa di particolare. Sì, perché sullo spartiacque del secolo scorso la medicina ufficiale riteneva impossibile per che un essere umano fosse in grado di scendere sotto un limite ritenuto fisiologico.

Eppure quest'uomo, dotato oltre che di un gran fisico evidentemente anche di una straordinaria forza di volontà, è riuscito nell'impresa. Infrangendo la barriera mentale che ha permesso ad altri atleti di migliorare progressivamente quel record.

Non a caso Bannister è preso come esempio di forza di carattere e di volontà dai più grandi formatori motivazionali del mondo.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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practical course in journalism for the New Verona

In Verona - Verona CISL - Ass Monastery of the Common Good

The data provided by immigration CISL di Verona said that in 2009 minor children of immigrants in Verona (G2) were 22,375, on an immigrant population of 96,309 units. In 2004 these children were 11,116. Their number is then doubled in just five years.
too often immigrants are perceived only as a source of problems. In this superficial assessment - which derives from stereotypes created by the media and racist policies - is opposed to the effort of several agents working for social integration through valuable initiatives that have as their subject the immigrant, with all its problems. ;
However, it is permissible to begin to ask whether it might be time to think about a further effort to leave the ghetto in which the lead inevitably problematic. The occasion for reflection is provided by G2, now age citizens born in Verona. They tell us that seminars and in-depth about the plight of immigrants may paradoxically hinder the attainment of true social equality, with equal dignity, rights and duties with respect to Verona traditionally understood.
This new phase should provide valuable tools for equal participation in cultural, social and political life of the place where the G2 live. One of these tools can be practical course in journalism for the New Verona, which has a concrete outcome: the publication of a newspaper. Participate actively in the processes of communication will strengthen the bond with the land, object of interest journalism, contributing to the construction of well-integrated identity and cultural patterns in step with the times.

WHO IS THE COURSE AIMED The proposal is for a maximum of 15-20 motivated young people, aged between 17 and 24 years: G2 with a fair command of the Italian language (written and spoken), but also Verona native, in order to foster dialogue and exchange. Desirable for the presence of a senior, with good spoken and written Italian for the correction of the papers.
The program is developed in six meetings 18:03 to 6:05 . There is a theoretical starting with the intervention of experts. Then the work will be organized as in a newspaper editors' meeting (the boys), the drafting of the rudder, the dummy, the choice of subjects, distribution of tasks. Between meetings, the students will perform activities independently in order to make a tabloid newspaper. Once prepared the material, we will proceed with the titling and electronic pagination, printing and proofreading.
Participants aged between 17 and 24 years, must meet the following basic requirements:
a) Curiosity and motivation to improve the knowledge of where you live
b) Basic knowledge of recent current events which have affected the city
c) Social skills and good knowledge of Italian language (written and spoken)
d) Report any texts produced.

Saturday, March 12, 2011, at 15, will be held at the State Institute of Art N. Nani Via delle Coste, 6 (Verona) an interview to verify the real motives of each candidate.

match venues
Studio Editoriale Giorgio Montolli , Lungadige King Theodoric 10, Verona periodic news and culture

CISL, Lungadige Galtarossa 22, Verona

Ass Monastery of the Common Good , v. Mezzomonte 28, Verona (loc. Sezano)

Alessandro Mazzer, Asst Monastery of the Common Good, Verona (loc.Sezano)
Tel 045.4853060 / 349.8126644 - Fax 045.550811
See info and schedule - Download pdf