Thursday, January 27, 2011

Compare Cetaphil Clean And Clear

motocross debut at Pellerina

Domenica mattina ho partecipato alla mia prima gara dell'anno al Parco della Pellerina, dove tra l'altro esordivo in qualità di Master 35.

Prima di partire avevo qualche dubbio sul fatto se indossare le chiodate o meno. Rocco, che aveva corso un'ora prima di me, me le aveva sconsigliate. In realtà la temperatura in progressivo aumento e il gran numero di atleti, che prima di me avevano pestato il terreno di gara, mi hanno fatto optare per i chiodi. E la scelta si è rivelata indubbiamente azzeccata. E poi 'ste scarpette arancioni pagate non poco dovrò sfruttarle almeno un po'... o no? :-)

Alla partenza ho cercato di dosare le forze come meglio potevo. Senza strafare, s'intende, ma cercando di fare brevissimi allunghi nei tratti in cui mi era consentito, in modo da recuperare a position in the group congenial to me. The first tender moments are those where the enthusiasm is at its maximum, but the good feeling lasts forever little less than a mile, however, is less than we would like. Then he begins to deal with fatigue.

the fifth kilometer Francis (Carignan), I proposed to reclaim the space lost by the group before us. At that moment I seem to have a mental and physical collapse, and unfortunately I have to decline the offer. I would rather try to stretch at the end.

fatigue is finally approaching the end when I'm in a small group of no more than four or five people. Forte dei 5 x 100 which ultimately conclude workouts I play all out: vediamo come mi piazzo. Ultimo! Beh, almeno ci ho provato... :-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Post Glandular Fever Rash

Cross Pellerina 2011 MM35

sopra: la partenza del gruppo dei MM45 - MM50

La bella giornata, il sole o, più semplicemente, la voglia di ricominciare a correre hanno invogliato tantissimi amanti della corsa a presentarsi ai nastri di partenza del XVII CROSS DELLA PELLERINA , disputatosi domenica scorsa nell'omonimo parco torinese. Ben 691 i classificati fra i soli adulti che si sono dati battaglia lungo i 7100 metri di percorso all'interno del parco: due giri mozzafiato per il panorama e per i non pochi saliscendi!

The first to break the ice (in every sense) were the MASTER 65 and higher categories at 9.30 that have tackled the shortened course of 4km. Piero CAU size to the finish line in 16'35 ". Behind him and Claudio MILAN Nerio SONCINI blowing the podium to the well-known Eugenio Bocchino.

Bruno WHITE then imposes its own pace battery in the next, that of MM55-60, and went on to win in 26'30 "in front of ARCHERS Caramel, before Gennaro CASTELLANETA and Gino AZZALIN good.

at 10.35 is the turn of the MM45-50, where it dominates King BOUZAZOU Tahar, already after the first round has a posting that seems unbridgeable. And the forecast come true at the end of the trial when the expert cross rider reaches the lone goal in the good time of 24'14 ". GALFRE Massimo Piazza of honor ', while Maurice Marzullo closes the podium.

The absolute along with MM35 and 40 mm challenge to 11.15, when the ground starts being a bit 'slippery. Vincenzo STOLE wins 22'50 "in front of Carlo Pogliani. Third Bruno SANTACHIARA triathlete before the race Volodymyr Polikarpenko.

The latest battery of adults to deal brings together all categories of women: 4-km shorter route to Ana CAPUSTIN dominating the trial in 15'15 ". Nothing to be done for Cammalleri and even good Thanks Claudia SPANO, which must satisfy the second and third place respectively.




Monday, January 24, 2011

Nfl Football And Cairo, Egypt

The corrupt return what they stole

Free Public Notice and launch a major campaign to gather signatures to ask the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano to intervene in form and manner it deems most appropriate, to the Government and Parliament to ratify as soon as possible and give practical effect to the treaties, international conventions and EU directives on fight against corruption and the rules, introduced by Law Budget 2007, p er la confisca e l’uso sociale dei beni sottratti ai corrotti.

Ordine del Giorno di Avviso Pubblico a sostegno della campagna nazionale anti-corruzione >>

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Indian Home Remedy Alopecia Areata Barbae

If this is a man's thoughts

27 gennaio 2011 - Giornata della memoria
"Se questo è un uomo" di Primo Levi, recitata da Dino Becagli

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Repairing Road Rash In Plastic

Raimon Panikkar

panikkar_2 ACHILLE ROSSI*

presenta il pensiero di 






tra le fedi

ha rappresentato un vero punto d’incontro tra l’Oriente e l’Occidente. Laureatosi in chimica, filosofia e teologia, ha tenuto corsi e lezioni nelle maggiori università d’Europa, India e America (1918 -2010)

SABATO 29 GENNAIO ore 16.45 -18.30

Conference Room - Community Stigmatines of Sezano

via Mezzomonte 28, Verona (loc. Sezano)

* ACHILLE ROSSI, priest Città di Castello, philosopher, editor of The Altrapagina , a friend of A. Panikkar and great scholar of his thought.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Diane Or Althea Contraceptive

Honduras, the reality show and the dictatorship of Legality

NEWS_1271334281_isola_dei_famosi January 14, 2010
Altreconomia appeals to 'Island of the Famous that a month back to Cayos Cochinos.

Milan - L 'Isle of the famous back in Honduras to twenty months after the coup, while the Central American country suffers from the repression of a non-democratic government. The magazine Altreconomia promotes appeal in view of the start of the transmission, with the goal of bringing in prime time on Rai2 the reality that people live in Honduras, a reality that may be distorted by images of the postcard you will our home by screens.

"From Monday, February 14 islands of Cayos Cochinos, off the coast of the Central American country, is again hosting 'The Island of the Famous'. Last year, the circus reality show, produced by Magnolia and broadcast by RAI-2, had been re moved in Nicaragua due to force majeure: the coup that deposed 28 June 2009 and ousted the constitutionally elected President Manuel Zelaya-we read in ' appeal, that you can read in full on site Altreconomia -.
Back in Honduras today is to recognize that there is no democracy in the country, and reassure both Italian citizens, who will again consider the beaches and islands between Honduras 'tropical paradise' to get to enjoy their earned holidays " . The appeal
list some reports of Honduras that the Italian media have failed to tell from June 28, 2009: "I do not know, the leaders of Rai and Magnolia, which the Honduras has not yet been reinstated in ' Organization of American States and many countries continue to consider fully the current government illegitimate; do not know that the former president, Manuel Zelaya, has not yet been able to return to their country ; not know that the National Front for the popular resistance has collected more than 1.3 million signatures (more than half of eligible voters out of a population of less than 8 million people) to request the convening of the Constituent Assembly to rewrite the constitution popular in the country; do not know that in 2010, in Honduras, 10 journalists were murdered ; do not know, a few kilometers from the islands of Cayos Cochinos in Bajo Aguan region, has made in recent weeks a wide-ranging crackdown against peasant movements, the work of military and paramilitary forces in the pay of the oligarchy local, which left many dead bodies on the ground and at least 5 thousand people homeless. "
In three weeks, seven days after the transmission, the appeal, with a list of all subscribers, will be forwarded to the chairmen of the House and Senate Foreign Affairs Committee of the House and Senate, the President of the Council Monitoring of the Rai, the director of Rai2 . Read
here the appeal.
Accessions at
For information and interviews :
Luca Martinelli - Altreconomia, tel. 02- - cell.: 349-86.86.815, -
Altreconomia is the publisher says that since 1999 , with the monthly magazine and his books the most courageous efforts of the new economy and just-dale, based on relationships, respect for the environment and people, the strength of civil society.
Altreconomia is unique information independently, without public funding and without masters. The publisher, the consortium other economy is in fact a cooperative formed by 450 members, in gran parte lettori, persone e realtà vicine all’economia solidale . Una nuova chiave di lettura della realtà. La redazione è in Corso Lodi 47, a Milano Tel. - fax -

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Add Custom Music To Mount And Blade

I knew before eventually had to happen. This is not a simple change of category, which among other things for me is the first da quando ho cominciato a gareggiare. Da quest'anno abbandono, dopo lunga militanza, la categoria TM per tuffarmi nel mondo dei MASTER. Nel mio caso, in particolare, sono MASTER 35.

Che cosa cambierà? Nei cross, almeno nella maggior parte, correrò ancora con quelli della mia vecchia categoria. Nelle gare su strada non ci sarà differenza. E per quanto riguarda le classifiche? Mi aspetto un qualcosa di molto simile agli anni precedenti, ovvero: quasi mai premiato! :-)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Proper Way To Upgrade In Ragnarok

I get too cold? Without a cross! The harsh winter

Lasciare il dolce tepore della propria casa per andare a correre nei campi! Ebbene sì, si avvicina inesorabile la stagione delle campestri. Se i sedentari faticavano a capire perché ci mettessimo a correre al freddo di novembre e dicembre, tra poco resteranno a bocca aperta, loro ancora con l'ennesima fetta di panettone e l'ennesimo calice di spumante in mano, nel vedere che ci alzeremo di buon'ora la domenica mattina per andare a sgambettare, nemmeno troppo vestiti, su sterrati dove ogni appoggio del piede va studiato con attenzione. No, in verità non credo riusciranno a vederci alzare così presto: sicuramente loro non lo faranno. Più probabile che l'incontro avvenga all'ora di pranzo!

Come ogni anno, ci esprimeranno il loro stupore dicendoci che non è il caso di andare a correre con un freddo del genere. Noi potremmo rispondere tranquillamente che, in base alle loro considerazioni, i giorni in cui andare a correre durante l'anno sarebbero non più di una dozzina.

Del resto ognuno recita la sua parte e al podista non resta che rispettare il proprio ruolo, vestendosi di tutto punto e andando a correre.

Trane Xe 80 Blows Cold Air


Lunedì 24 gennaio ore 20,45
presso il CSF Stimmatini, via Cavalcaselle,20  (Borgo Trento)
come arrivarci, vedi qui >>

Conoscere le mafie per costruire legalità e responsabilità
The mafia criminal activities and not just

with Pierpaolo Romans
National Coordinator of
Public Notice - local and regional institutions for training civil action against the mafias
www .

1st of a series of monthly meetings
MEETINGS CALENDAR see>> download pdf>>

Participating: VeronaIn , The Survivor, Radio Popolare Verona
The meetings are made possible with contributions from: Banca Popolare Etica, Fabio Guadagni, creative solutions

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wikipedia Of Chemical& Industrial Accidents

André Kertész, Esztergom,
Hungary (three boys reading), 1915
As of January 2011 propose the L ettura shared the first of the notebooks of living together

RES PUBLICA and common goods. think the revolutions of the twenty-first century. Riccardo Petrella. Printed on their own, in October 2010.
During meetings shared reading, will present the key issues of the book from a prepared track together. Monitor the depth of content by referring to personal experiences, readings of other texts ... and the drafting of questions to be submitted to Riccardo Petrella in the final evening.

In Friday from 20.30 to 22.00
14 January '11 free society from the domination of finance and market
28 January '11 Proposals for a state of the commons. The challenge of "Res Publica"
11 February '11 cooperation and common goods. Redesigning cities.
25 February '11 Water, the first global common good.
11 March '11 Conversation with Riccardo Petrella

text is available at the headquarters of a Sezano or post.
Si chiede di confermare la presenza via e-mail: (ogg: lettura condivisa)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Wiki

shared reading of Ghosts 'Former Somali embassy

Un palazzo oramai pericolante e i suoi ex uffici trasformati in camerate, dove, su materassi e cartoni buttati per terra in mezzo ai rifiuti e ai topi, vivono centocinquanta rifugiati politici provenienti dalla Somalia. Hanno tutti i documenti in regola e, in quanto richiedenti asilo, avrebbero diritto a dei programmi di assistenza. Ma invece, nell’indifferenza delle istituzioni, vivono in mezzo ai rifiuti senza luce, acqua potabile e riscaldamento
Dal sito vedi il video di Lorenzo Galeazzi David e Pierluigi