Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheats For Fire Red On Emulator



Corsa e camminata notturna con BABBO NATALE
Giovedì 09/12/2010 Santa Maria 10060 BRICHERASIO (To)

L'Aib-Protezione Civile di Bricherasio, nell'ambito delle manifestazioni del "Natale in Allegria", con la collaborazione di altre Associazioni e l'organizzazione dell'Atletica Val Pellice, promuove per giovedì 9 dicembre p.v. con la partecipazione di Babbo Natale la III^ edizione della: StraBRICHERASIO, manifestazione podistica notturna non competitiva con camminata libera a tutti e corsa promozionale giovanile per le vie illuminate del paese.

Lo scorso anno oltre 460 persone (di cui 50 camminatori e 105 ragazzi fino a 15 anni) parteciparono a questo gioioso raduno podistico che coinvolse walkers, runners, families, walkers, young and old. Some Christmas in costume and others, in an overwhelming majority, with only the bright cap, ran or walked the streets of the historic center, creating a shimmering and beautiful streak of light moving in a serene, carefree and festive.


Meeting on 18 Hours in Piazza Santa Maria
Departure: 19.15 hours - Children ludico.ginnico path to the gym, at 19.30 - running provincial youth (Esor.ti, Boys and Cadet M / F with routes from 400 to 1700 m, ore 19.55 - Walkers and Fitwalking recommended 2 turns of the path mt.1.800, ore 20.10 - Running non-competitive 5.4 km (3 laps of 1.800 km)

ENTRIES by 8 December, (the following information: name, group, run or walk, the year of birth), possible in place until 15 minutes prior to departure, subject to closing advance (extra homage to the first 150 subscribers). E-mail " - \u200b\u200bTel / Fax 0121.598403 and at Pinerolo MC
running Lequio Via, 62 Tel 0121.377478.
Cost: Adults Euro 5 +1 for Father Christmas hat with lights, children up to 15 years with Euro 3 hat.

Vouchers participants: Young people up to 15 years Ferrero and other food products; Adults 2 bottles of wine "Terre Pinerolese" more race pack with food (for the teetotalers other products in place of wine) at the end for all participants with refreshments sandwich, mulled wine, hot and cold drinks, biscuits and cake. Other gifts for groups and large families and old people.

You can end the evening in the restaurant or pizzeria agreement at low prices:
DINNER: flat-tris (1 °, 2 °, salad), drink, dessert and coffee - Euro 10 - OSTU OF Galup, Maina - Tel 335.6744188 (max 40 seats). PIZZA
choice, and drink coffee - Euro 8 - FUEGO PIZZERIA - Tel 0121.599143.
takeaway pizza and a drink of your choice - Euro 6 - PIZZERIA THE BUSH 0121.598320 Tel.

The AIB Bricherasio waits numerous to spend an evening with the Christmas period, you can visit the Nativity scene with more than 140 mechanical movements, set up in the Church of San Bernardino (of 1500) and the parish church (of 1600), recently restored, with many valuable paintings and a exclusive and majestic wooden altar.


Aib-Civil Protection Bricherasio


Photo viewed at 2009 edition - not competitive - StraBricherasio
Photo 2010 edition will be published on: raccanelloalessio


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