Monday, November 29, 2010

Tiffany Towers Privat

Dreaming the Olympics: a meeting with the author

Thursday, December 2 to 21 hours at the main hall of the Technical Institute "L. DA VINCI" the association "Friends of VINCI" presents the new book by Giorgio Goggi :


will be an opportunity to learn about the author and the same depth with the genesis of the text. The meeting will also Alberto Cova and Giorgio Rondelli, two of Italian names that do not need some introduction.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheats For Fire Red On Emulator



Corsa e camminata notturna con BABBO NATALE
Giovedì 09/12/2010 Santa Maria 10060 BRICHERASIO (To)

L'Aib-Protezione Civile di Bricherasio, nell'ambito delle manifestazioni del "Natale in Allegria", con la collaborazione di altre Associazioni e l'organizzazione dell'Atletica Val Pellice, promuove per giovedì 9 dicembre p.v. con la partecipazione di Babbo Natale la III^ edizione della: StraBRICHERASIO, manifestazione podistica notturna non competitiva con camminata libera a tutti e corsa promozionale giovanile per le vie illuminate del paese.

Lo scorso anno oltre 460 persone (di cui 50 camminatori e 105 ragazzi fino a 15 anni) parteciparono a questo gioioso raduno podistico che coinvolse walkers, runners, families, walkers, young and old. Some Christmas in costume and others, in an overwhelming majority, with only the bright cap, ran or walked the streets of the historic center, creating a shimmering and beautiful streak of light moving in a serene, carefree and festive.


Meeting on 18 Hours in Piazza Santa Maria
Departure: 19.15 hours - Children ludico.ginnico path to the gym, at 19.30 - running provincial youth (Esor.ti, Boys and Cadet M / F with routes from 400 to 1700 m, ore 19.55 - Walkers and Fitwalking recommended 2 turns of the path mt.1.800, ore 20.10 - Running non-competitive 5.4 km (3 laps of 1.800 km)

ENTRIES by 8 December, (the following information: name, group, run or walk, the year of birth), possible in place until 15 minutes prior to departure, subject to closing advance (extra homage to the first 150 subscribers). E-mail " - \u200b\u200bTel / Fax 0121.598403 and at Pinerolo MC
running Lequio Via, 62 Tel 0121.377478.
Cost: Adults Euro 5 +1 for Father Christmas hat with lights, children up to 15 years with Euro 3 hat.

Vouchers participants: Young people up to 15 years Ferrero and other food products; Adults 2 bottles of wine "Terre Pinerolese" more race pack with food (for the teetotalers other products in place of wine) at the end for all participants with refreshments sandwich, mulled wine, hot and cold drinks, biscuits and cake. Other gifts for groups and large families and old people.

You can end the evening in the restaurant or pizzeria agreement at low prices:
DINNER: flat-tris (1 °, 2 °, salad), drink, dessert and coffee - Euro 10 - OSTU OF Galup, Maina - Tel 335.6744188 (max 40 seats). PIZZA
choice, and drink coffee - Euro 8 - FUEGO PIZZERIA - Tel 0121.599143.
takeaway pizza and a drink of your choice - Euro 6 - PIZZERIA THE BUSH 0121.598320 Tel.

The AIB Bricherasio waits numerous to spend an evening with the Christmas period, you can visit the Nativity scene with more than 140 mechanical movements, set up in the Church of San Bernardino (of 1500) and the parish church (of 1600), recently restored, with many valuable paintings and a exclusive and majestic wooden altar.


Aib-Civil Protection Bricherasio


Photo viewed at 2009 edition - not competitive - StraBricherasio
Photo 2010 edition will be published on: raccanelloalessio

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

English Longbow Vs Japanese Longbow

StraTorino 2010 2010

In conjunction with the TURIN MARATHON Sunday, Nov. 14 was held the STRATORINO . The numbers of participants who filled the streets of downtown: 7 miles and a half in via Roma, Via Po, Piazza Vittorio and then joined the Valentino Park and finish the race in Piazza San Carlo.

but non-competitive race with prizes for the top 5 men and 5 women have reached the finish line first. The first ever Moroccan Abdelhadi Laaouina , back from a great performance the night before the APPLE RUN . In the women Ana Capustin repeating the success of last year.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can You Buy Showhome Furniture Calgary


Photo: Davide Cassani at the start of the marathon

was held on Sunday the twenty-fourth edition of the Turin Marathon, Ruggero Pertile characterized by the victory in the men's and women's field in Kenyan Priscah Jeptoo. In

links shown below you will find some pictures on the start and finish of the race:


Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Write An Offer Example?

2010 Turin Marathon Turin Marathon, Ruggero Pertile all

A Ruggero Pertile overwhelming that yesterday won the Turin Marathon. The Padua, determined and motivated to do a good race, came to the finish line with a progression that did not leave to escape two defenders behind him, the Kenyan and Ethiopian Lawrence Kimaya Habteselassie Lemma. Excellent level of competitive women's race with the Kenyan Priscah Jeptoo good to precede the Ethiopian Take Tola, both under two hours and thirty. Florence Chepsoi little more detached.

General Classification:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Secret


On December 5 we run out of solidarity. The event is from 9 am to 14 at the shooting range Palatucci: you run a relay race in pairs open to all "YOU AND HIM FOR U.S." in which "we" stands for mothers and children that the mission has Sapé removed from the road in Brazil and is helping to start a new life (see novavida Community Association).

The distance is a kilometer (perimeter jogging path system) after which we pass the baton to his running mate.

The proceeds will be donated (except for organizational costs) to the Brazilian mission of Sape for recovering mothers and their children .

For more information see the flyer:
Click here for the flyer

Friday, November 5, 2010

Allergen Counts 78759

LES SAY NO TO DRUGS and the Turin Marathon

First of all, thank you to Andrea for giving me the opportunity to introduce and make known the message that this year , together with my friend Germano runner, the marathon will bring to Torino.

My name is David, I started to take its first steps 'in faster than a walk' only a year and a half ago. The passion, as I believe all runners, has been continuously growing and beginning of the year are joining the wonderful group which is the ASD Borgaretto75, so having a chance to go jogging the environment even under the competitive aspect.

A runner friend once told me: "David, to keep alive the passion of the race, you should always give you goals." And here's one. MARATHON! Which part though? Well in November we will be the Turin Marathon, why not try? And now ... We finally! The big day is approaching ...

Among other workout plus I got to know Germano. A phenomenal guy, marathon runner as 'sail', who shared with me a lot 'of miles and he will also participate in this marathon in Turin.

We will be a marathon even more important because Germano and I are the testimonials of two major groups:


SAY NO TO DRUGS is a non-profit organization 'Association who work in the field of prevention, mainly in schools, the use of drugs.

The drug, we all know, is a plague that has unfortunately touched, directly or indirectly, all of us. It 's a phenomenon no longer limited to the figure of' drifter ', as happened years ago, but now affects a wide variety of social classes and is manifested in a much broader scenario. E 'found that the best deterrent against this trend is ONLY prevention. A good drug prevention campaign can change an idea, behavior, and can save lives. And it is in the prevention SAY NO TO DRUGS committed his efforts.

Association LES stands for upus L E S ritematoso Eurosystem, work to create a point of reference on lupus, a disease little known in one reads and speaks very little, although a autoimmune diseases more widespread and more insidious. The Association promotes several initiatives, both nationally and locally, such as awareness, meeting between doctors, patients and many more. The group includes patients with SLE, relatives, friends, healthcare workers, participation is open to anyone interested in collaborating.

again I thank Andrew for this space and all of you for having spent time on Sunday we'll see THE GOAL!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sending Baby Congratulations Messages

THE RUN, Big Brother 8 running

He missed a reality, perhaps linked to the world of race walking? Here you are! In a few days (November 4) will be broadcast on RAI SPORT 1 the first "Big Brother" running track ever made.

Everything is the brainchild of RCS Sport and Gazzetta dello Sport that a few years ago give rise to a foot race road race that stops in ten Italian cities.

New this year was to associate a reality that tells the story of eight people connected in some way in the world of travel. We will soon have the opportunity to know the adventures of Gazelle, Vogue, Butterfly, Wolfman, Jetlag, Gladiator, Spritz and Beep Beep (the promise of middle-distance cussin Stefano Guidotti ICARDA).

Unlike ordinary reality, however, the fact that the races have already been held between April and October. So those who wish may already know how that turned out ... ;-)

For more information: