Sunday, October 24, 2010

Alice In Wonderland Suck Dick

KM (or almost) with 2

The competition of the races and Avigliana Moncalieri does not seem to have much impact on participation in the 8 KM 2 , fast race that winds through the streets of District 2 in Turin. Despite his young age, the event already includes a great number of participants, competitive and non-obvious sign of appreciation from the public running track.

right from the start the sanmauriziese Igor Martello ha condotto la gara senza timore alcuno degli avversari. Sua la vittoria davanti al compagno di squadra Rosario Baratono, che ha preceduto Aly Ologueme. La prova femminile celebra la vittoria dell'atipina Maria Laura Fornelli che vince su Federica Arnone e Claudia Spano.



La mia gara
Non potevo certo perdermi una gara piatta e veloce e per di più vicina a casa: e infatti non ho mancato l'appuntamento... ;-)

Da segnalare un episodio divertente o quasi alla partenza. Si partiva in una parallela di via Guido Reni a doppio senso di marcia con spartitraffico centrale. Inizialmente eravamo tutti posizionati a sinistra, poi ci hanno fatto spostare a destra nell'altra corsia per farci nuovamente tornare, appena un istante dopo, nella corsia di partenza. Probabilmente reputavano opportuno farci fare ancora un po' di riscaldamento... :-)

Mancano pochi istanti alla partenza e si capisce che non sarà facile destreggiarsi in uno spazio così ristretto. Finalmente lo sparo e si comincia! Pur essendo abbastanza avanti ho avuto qualche difficoltà a muovermi; ancora nel rettilineo centrale mi have led to a rash that seems to zigzag behind those have not really appreciated ... : - /

The path is so fast, but care must be taken to change direction and cross the path. Among other things, in some locations the curves were interpreted (fortunately less than than last year) ...

Recalling the words of the speaker before the start (two identical rounds) and understood by looking at the satellite as the miles were not eight but a little less.

In the final straight leading into the House I ran in progress: this is still not enough for me to reach my predecessor Fabio 4 seconds ... damn! ;-) The final stage of exactly 30 minutes courses to an average of 4'01 "at km: all according to plan ... well actually I was hoping to be gone a hair faster.

This is my progression mileage:
3'54" / 4'07 " / 3'59 "/ 3'59" / 4'06 / 4'04 "/ 4'06" / 1'47 " (500 mt)

At first glance you immediately notice that the first mile and especially in the final progression have allowed me to file the second needed to get as close as possible to the threshold of 4 'per km. What to do now? Continue to persevere in training and wait for the results! :-D

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Resin For Boat Floors

vertical and horizontal organization of society. The first, typical of dictatorships, which does not recognize the individual dignity of human being, he sees a summit by the almost unlimited powers, and a development model aimed at ensuring the survival of the Summit itself, which will consist of 'elected', the favorites and stronger, both economically and physically. It 's the easiest. The second, based on the recognition of the dignity of human being of others and their rights to life, health, education, information and work, which elects legislators, judges and executors under the will of the people themselves and raise the status of the human subject from the level of that of citizen. This and more I read the book Gherardo Colombo On Rules, "published in 2008 by Feltrinelli. A kind of manual, subsidiary to people far too long fasting common sense and begin to consider entities such as 'legality' and 'justice' on the same level of UFOs or Teletubbies. A book written with style and words so simple that almost looks like a children's book in some places. Which, as I understand it, was what the author intended, or send a message in a bottle that was similar to anyone and not only from a lawyer.
I was there I drank a description of these two models of society when he entered the cat. It has settled on my shoes just fill them with dried allergenicissimi hair. I salt a bit of discomfort. I get up, I come to the peak, looking for film critics. The crescent feisbuiaccara rejects me. I open the site of the Courier and read: " Sabrina Sarah held her while the father was killing her . Dominance of the vertical model or simply a titlist incompetent? That we elect know who, what, where and when because we're 'informed' (but I could not do without the quotation marks), but one who does not know the history (and hence different from discriminating) thinks: "The father of who? And above all who is the victim of the father, Sarah and Sabrina? But Sabrina and Sarah are sisters? . The distress increases with confusion. I cling to some of the goals and Brighi Borriello, just to finally take note of my status as a person anxious, which is now breathing a sigh of relief only when the Rome which has the goal of posting at least four to five minutes to go. Then I see a picture of Totti wearing, before the game, a white shirt with the inscription "Welcome 33", worn to greet the release of Chilean miners. But then the model is horizontal (and still is a great captain Totti). Yeah, because the recognition of the dignity of 'the next, the identification with his condition and live their liberation as a personal joy, as if it happened to us. The confusion increases. Return on feisbuc, and the crescent is still there. The discouragement follows. The other titles do not help. Metalworkers strike against specific proposals to go derogation even in their ass, people who come to blows killed in the subway, the Russian who becomes the model of fighter on blowjobs. Other than the horizontal model. But even though the vertical.
But then I read this , and the plot unfolds, the question dissolves.
In Italy there is a model either vertically or horizontally. In Italy the company is structured in an oblique-sine square, not very acute and obtuse. Above all very dull.

uff ...

The confusion is gone.
the discomfort remains.
'fuck the crescent of feisbuc.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Many Casino Robberies Has There Been

Small Businesses alternative satisfactions

Dopo aver ascoltato "visiting scientists" esporre le proprie teorie per un paio d'ore, visto il pessimo umore che mi inseguiva da ieri, oggi ho deciso che era il caso di fare un pranzo un pò più sostanzioso del solito, triste panino che mi porto dietro normalmente, e mi sono diretto verso il pub dove indugio ogni tanto quando mi trovo a passare per il centro. Non amo particolarmente i pub ad essere sincero. Non più almeno. Ma hanno di buono che forse sono l'unico posto in UK dove si può mangiare decentemente senza spendere milioni, e senza dover vedere camerieri attillati che ti depositano sotto il naso piatti enormi contenenti poche briciole, ma con sofisticatissimi nomi francesi. Si mangia carne ovviamente. Hamburger, steaks and so on. And it's good meat. That is, not the kind of meat (if it is meat) you eat fast food. In particular, in this pub, I always ask a particular hamburger with bacon and blue cheese, a cheese that is recognizable only by the very strong flavor, even actually blue streaks in it, the nature of which I never wanted to interrogate , a bit of fear, a little not to spoil the fact that actually, I like not just with the meat. As they say, does not see eye ... In local
, after seven years to go, and now I know I have not even ordered more. It comes directly one of the guys who work with the dish on one side and the other pint. Single dish of course. French fries in a corner bowl with 'cabbage' sauce in another, and center him the sandwich. Big, full and juicy. All this amounts to a medium sized room for an Englishman.
I think for the most part to my business while I eat, in the sense that responding to the waiters or the owner, who occasionally have to exchange few words, it sends me into raptures. Today in particular, answered in monosyllables. Suddenly the owner (or the 'manager', or whatever), comes up to me, perhaps noticing the black clouds that still buzzing me on the head, and asks me "Are you hungry today?". Question unusual if paid to someone who is eating. And in fact I do not understand at first. I do mind and I wonder if the local did not say 'angry' (pissed off) instead of 'hungry' (hungry), which would have made more sense. When in doubt, answer with a generic 'enough'. As soon as I said, he disappears behind the counter, then back into a flat above a scope identical to the one I was already eating and asks me "That hungry?". In other words, the cook had prepared a burger too, with lots of contour. And rather than throw it, the owner (or the 'manager', etc..) I had offered but this defiantly as if to say "I bet you can not eat two below." Defiantly simulated course, that his would be just a kind gesture at the end.
Io faccio spazio sul tavolo, pensando a quei pranzi e cene di feste comandate, matrimoni, ferragosti italiani in cui ti siedi al tavolino per restarci ore ed ore, e mi viene da sorridere.
I due hamburger vengono seppelliti con l'onore delle armi, sotto lo sguardo stralunato di questo tipo che alla fine, sparecchiando il tavolo, mi dice "Hats off" (giù il cappello). Non credeva che l'avrei finito.
Poi mi chiede se desideravo altro. Ed io non ho resistito.

Era una vita che desideravo farlo.