God's 32-bit
Dal Sito del Corriere :
" La lettura della Bibbia nelle scuole è un'iniziativa a cui sono favorevole come ministro, come credente e come cittadina Italian ". This was written by Education Minister Maria Stella Gelmini on the Catholic magazine" Famiglia Cristiana "." In a period of history that requires a broader effort to defeat the hate, we - concluded Gelmini - do so that our young people are aware of their identity in order to compare with one another and grow and live in mutual respect . "The letter from the Minister Gelmini" blesses "the launching of the pocket bible of the publishing group San Paolo, which is attached to this week Famiglia Cristiana and distributed by Thursday, September 16 in bookstores, parishes, airports, railway stations, in motorway service stations, supermarkets and GRANDI CATENE DI ELETTRONICA .
E' proprio vero, Gesu' ci salvera'. Se sul hard disk o sulla chiavetta, ancora non e' chiaro, ma da qualche parte ci salva.
Qualcuno la fermi, ve ne prego.
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