Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Easy Way To Build A Off Road Go Kart Plans

gone into hiding

Vergognatevi non una ma mille volte.
Avete dimostrato di saper esprimere il peggio di qualsiasi repubblica abbia calcato le scene di questo paese, prima, seconda o terza che sia.
Avete tenuto il piede in due staffe, pensando di imbambolare gli italiani coi vostri discorsi sulla legalità, salvo poi togliervi la maschera nel momento decisivo. Chissà, forse per assicurarvi di avere il tempo per strutturare uno straccio di partito prima delle elezioni anticipate. Che verranno eseguite, grazie a voi, nuovamente con quell'ignobile legge elettorale che vi consentirà di rendere la vostra posizione di potere ancora una volta autoreferenziale.
Si vada a nascondere Presidente Fini, invece di straparlare di legalità e di nascondersi dietro il dito del rispetto del election program. You go and hide
Mr Bocchino, who with her and she will allow this government to continue to do our country the asshole of the world, which is held in the highest contempt for the individual citizen's right, from education to health to 'information to work. Even to the Flag.
gone into hiding because now you are no longer distinguishable from any Salvatore Cuffaro, or a Calogero Mannino, or a Marcello Dell'Utri. They also talk to are all clean, innocent and unblemished, whereas in fact they are just the opposite, just like you in the FLI.
For what should be the F? I'll tell you, for 'FICTION'.
Questo avete dimostrato oggi di essere sempre stati.
Vergognatevi, non una ma mille volte.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Live Messenger Error 8007007f

Citations learned

‎"Feltri si è dimesso. La palla passa a Nosferatu Sallusti". che poi per me, (effettiva somiglianza a parte) è un'offesa a Nosferatu e a Murnau e a cent'anni di Cinema.

Tanto era su FB...quindi non c'è copyright...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Camcorders For Beginners

Clerici for President

Il sindaco di Adro, gia' noto alle cronache per aver lasciato a pancia vuota gli alunni della scuola i cui genitori non potevano pagare la retta della mensa, and 'back to talk about whether opening a school campus (6769 population census and an' educational hub ') in which the symbol of the League appears almost everywhere except the toilet paper (and this a little' we're sorry).
It triggers uproar among the opposition, the press, among intellectuals. Even the statements of the Gelmini, who do not carry over to the weakness of the liver.
but I 'I wonder,' cause the mayor of Adro should not do that 'you have done?
Once schools were two sets of images. Religious, and those still resisting. It matters little whether one is Catholic, jew, muslim or atheist, a crucifix hanging, painting or bolted to the wall, there is always somewhere. And institutional. Here falls the ass. Since in general, the institutional image was always a nice (if possible) photo of the President of the Republic, who winked smiling from the wall of the office of the Dean for example, or even within the classes. Only now that we hang pictures on the walls of schools as a President of the Republic we do not have one? A photo of Cannavaro lifting the World Cup? A photo of Clerici in the kitchen? A picture of Pippo Baudo?
No 'cause if we had a President, one as the mayor of Adro at this already' hang upside down 'flag from the auction hall, very institutionally hung by his balls. So do not be surprised
more 'much. As can be aberrant, and that the mayor of Adro 'choice was dictated by the need', not by politics. If anything, we hope that something can be done Clerici.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pattycake In Trainingfull Vid


closed the curtain on the Venice Film Festival, the final comment of our personal envoy, together with the fed list of his reviews, reader of this blog at Inc. offers a comprehensive overview on the ups and downs brave film criticism noted in the city of transgenic cat.
not push.

" Quentin is a serious person and will choose the best . So replica Monte Hellman, who discovered the first Tarantino, who asked him on behalf of a possible conflict of interest at the dawn of the final verdict.
And who knows if he knew, however, that the director of "Reservoir Dogs" (produced by him) actually left the room in mid-screening of his particular, but not exceptional "Road to Nowhere."
Moreover, even the chatter and laughter during the screening of "Balada sad," the Spaniard Alex De la Iglesia seemed to attest to the sincere appreciation of the President of the jury, as well as the devotion shown to her beloved Takashi Miike and the double vision that appears to have granted to the classic and sumptuous (but for us mortals a bit 'boring) "13 Assassins" .
Well this did not prevent the award of the Golden Lion went instead to "Somewhere," a film akin to the little taste pulp but obviously with a very special appeal.
front of more sophisticated direction of his ex-girlfriend could just sad and foolish deeds of the English circus clown (Silver Lion) or the blood of those poisoned samurai in feudal Japan, nor has upset most of the time history of the black Venus , considered a great wrong not even worthy of Volpi Cup and runners-up prizes.
Grave missed opportunity indeed to deny the award for Best Actress at the extraordinary Yahima Torres, interpreter and sincere terrible tragic story told in the film Kechiche. Perhaps not too disturbing to be ignored by those who wanted to deprive once a deserved recognition of a director so committed and militant.
partial redemption for the purest of the films in competition, one directed by Jerzy Skolimoswki great quality on which we have already written , and consoles himself with the Grand Jury Prize and Cup Foxes in an excellent Vincent Gallo that has not accepted the award by choosing to remain camouflaged from the public.
Character sui generis, but undoubtedly one of the most consistent artists of the seventh art, although his film as a director has turned to water on all sides. It is no accident that its were "Promises" written in water ".
Frankly disappointing but the decision to award Labeda Ariane, the heroine of the movie inexplicably competition entitled "Attenbergh" that more than a reflection on the animal nature (SCA) of man makes us reflect on how much damage it can create the vision of the repeated Sir David Attenborough documentaries of the poor, inspiring the title of "perversions" (later perversions are not) of the protagonist.
not waste a word about what was "the festival of Tarantino's" right and wrong and what could be the verdict, nor are greatly interested to note that a long time Coppola's daughter with the first soloist of the Phoenix if he meant by the president of the jury, which awarded the Golden Lion.
It is so obviously that had to go. Point.
The controversy over the "unfair treatment" received by the Italian films completely ignored, well that just leave it to those who are still standing at the time of the Leopard when everything had to change because nothing changes.
We would rather be recalled that the Cinema is not for the awards, not si presta alla negoziazione né alla competizione, non è nella sua natura. E' fatto per la visione, per riempire gli occhi e annebbiare la mente.
Pare che una volta il giurato Renoir si rifiutò di assegnare premi perché " ogni film è espressione di un'individualità ", provocando le furie del direttore del festival e mettendo in difficoltà l'intera giuria.
Altri tempi, altre menti, altro ardire, altro coraggio.
Tragica coincidenza chiudere il sipario sul Lido con queste parole proprio nel giorno in cui ci lascia Claude Chabrol .
Forse è davvero il momento di spegnere i riflettori e di riporre nei ripostigli della Serenissima i leoni di polistirolo.
Tocca custodirli bene. Potrebbero rimanerci solo quelli.

Film recensiti su MP news :

Fake Vs Real Breast Images

God's 32-bit

Dal Sito del Corriere :

" La lettura della Bibbia nelle scuole è un'iniziativa a cui sono favorevole come ministro, come credente e come cittadina Italian ". This was written by Education Minister Maria Stella Gelmini on the Catholic magazine" Famiglia Cristiana "." In a period of history that requires a broader effort to defeat the hate, we - concluded Gelmini - do so that our young people are aware of their identity in order to compare with one another and grow and live in mutual respect . "The letter from the Minister Gelmini" blesses "the launching of the pocket bible of the publishing group San Paolo, which is attached to this week Famiglia Cristiana and distributed by Thursday, September 16 in bookstores, parishes, airports, railway stations, in motorway service stations, supermarkets and GRANDI CATENE DI ELETTRONICA .

E' proprio vero, Gesu' ci salvera'. Se sul hard disk o sulla chiavetta, ancora non e' chiaro, ma da qualche parte ci salva.

Qualcuno la fermi, ve ne prego.