Thursday, July 12, 2007

Denise Milani Forums 2009

Percorrere Tokyo......

Tokyo is a city multicenter and stratified, is divided into many areas, many smaller cities into one great metropolis.
areas that are more districts, each is slightly different from each other and each time it is interesting scoprirle.Ogni district has useful public services to citizens, schools, health services and small police stations called Koban directly on the road, always accessible notte.Il day and the concept of center city is very European, in Tokyo there are no squares, just big arteries that connect each area, or long bridges over the river bridge on the sea like the bay that connects the area to Shimbashi to Odaiba, which has recently designed an artificial island.
I assure you that no matter how one city well served by underground lines and surface (hard to use without making mistakes, but fun if you have time to waste sitting comfortably on the bus to watch the frenzy that surrounds you) is not an easy city to navigate.
Maybe it's better to say that the subway map, but fortunately there is also the Latin alphabet, you can easily reach the area as a destination of your choice, but then get to the address you want is to really have to inform you of complesso.Intanto What will be the most convenient exit, sometimes to a metro station there are 10 outputs are numbered, but sometimes when there are many, and the number also have a good point so check if you arrive for example in Shinjuku area, very large, if you need to reach your address, for example, exit 8A 4C rather than because there is much difference, otherwise you walk, walk ..... subway stations, in the most large, there can be lost easily.
The Tokyo underworld is really a world you can find shops, restaurants, art galleries, insommma all a lot of life takes place underground and the reason is always connected to the space to be exploited in full.
If you walk or ride your bike with street names for the most part there sono.Hanno a name only the largest, those passing through the entire city, but only every so often there is a cartel and must be lucky and see it first to be lost ... Another detail is not irrelevant, once you have found the main street with a map in hand, arrived at a certain height it is logical to count the streets and intersections, (here the maps should sell plastic since it is a rainy city ... take it from your country because this is only in kanji unless you spend a blunder in an international book) ... you have found the small unnamed road there are no house numbers, or rather the house numbers that have ascending and descending run around the block. A
Shinjuko for example, but everywhere in the city, there are within the area several blocks of houses, each block has its own number and is formato da più edifici, trovato il numero del blocco gli si deve girare intorno in senso orario o antiorario finchè non si trova il numero civico dell'edificio che si cerca....complesso eh?
In ogni zona come potete immaginare ci sono più blocchi....come fare per trovare per esempio il blocco 6? Alzi lo sguardo, all'angolo del blocco dove ti trovi e leggi il numero piccolo sulla targhetta blu di metallo, poniamo sia il 5....bene, ma il 6 dove sarà? Prima, dopo, di fianco o dietro il blocco 5?
Ci sono cartine topografiche vicine alle uscite della metropolitana, fortunatamente i numeri dei blocchi si leggono, peccato che la cartina non abbia il nord come riferimento cardinale sempre nelle stesso posto....a volte è in alto a Sometimes it is down.
Warning: Found the block 6 can be seen after the first issue, for example, other numbers on the small metal plate you can find 6 1-18
means that within the block 6 are the house numbers are from 1 to 18.Ci areas where the blocks are more than a 6 ... Okay shoot yourself and do not think you can not even ask why the Japanese know how to help despite their good will.
In the more essential to know the plan you are interested in Tokyo because it also deals with "very heaven" and within the same commercial building plans can be found where they sell clothing, plans where you can get a foot massage or ... plans where you can eat or where they cut my hair ... It 's hard to know what happens on every floor because the outside is written in kanji ... there are some pretty pictures that make you guess, but it's worth taking the escalator and find out for themselves. .. and even venturing to the lower floors are often unexpected because a supermarket that sells products from the world and maybe you can finally buy a jar of pesto genovese that .. after some months of abstinence is a delicacy on the linguine al dente mean ... need time to have fun and explore and legs for them, the Japanese committed, will always welcome you with their welcome "irashaimasen, irashaimasen ".... softly cried or ... depending on how you fit in the place where it happens. We also
sapere che il primo piano per i giapponesi è il nostro piano terra...voi credete di essere al terzo piano e in realtà siete al quarto perchè il primo non l'avete contato....

Tutti rispettano i semafori che restano in funzione per 24 ore,
tutti rispettano il limite di velocità imposto dalla legge: 50km/h e non si discute.
Nei pressi dei semafori e degli incroci sul marciapiedi si vedono e si sentono... sotto le suole delle scarpe delle specie di piastrelline gialle in rilievo che servono ai non vedenti come avvertimento o comunque a tutti i disabili.
Lo stesso tipo di pavimentazione lo si nota nei passaggi sotterranei soprattutto in prossimità delle biglietterie.
Sempre nei pressi dei semafori una musica averte when it is possible to travel through ... nice eh?
It 's interesting to know that if you want to buy a car in Tokyo you have to prove that it also has a parking area otherwise the machine can not buy ..... Traffic is orderly and driven many cars, but most of tokyensi moves with the media or by bicycle, where almost anything is possible ... even at times go against the hand!
bicycles moving along the road, but instead is set up on the sidewalk where a kind of small enclosed track and you can also ring the bell if the pawn occupies the entire sidewalk .... you say "sumimasen" to apologize that the impediment is causing you! Sidewalks possiedono molti sali-scendi così diventa facile passare dalla strada al marciapiedi e viceversa evitando gli ostacoli sul percorso.
Le moto di grande cilindrata non si vedono molto in giro per la città,forse perchè andare a 50 all'ora per un motociclista non è affatto divertente...
Quando si gira per le strade è sconveniente sono intere zone in cui è proibito, gentili ed efficienti polizziotti ti porgono un portacenere portatile e ti invitano a spegnere la sigaretta...
Per questa ragione ci sono in vendita divertenti tipi di portaceneri portatili...impossibile buttare il mozzicone per terra senza sentirsi colpevoli.Meglio fermarsi nella zona fumatori(ce ne sono molte) dove potrai anche sentirti un pò più stupid than you already are .... but at least you can turn off your butt in place giusto.Le cigarettes are cheap and are sold in vending machines at 10 pm stop working .... for everything else there is no respite! you can eat and drink at all hours.The the number of small supermarket chains, called combined, are open all night in every neighborhood.
The street is clean everywhere you walk, the only real problem is that in Tokyo there are no bins ... your trash you bring her home ... you can dispose of the waste collection in the days of the week provided the ... ' Alternatively, you can enjoy your or your ice cream on site, close to where distributors are also differentiated by the garbage cans! ( you just have to find the right one)
In Tokyo there is a place for everything and everything must be in its place!
Rules that you can not escape.
I read on a blog that in Tokyo the leaves fall from trees because no one can explain to them that the road is inconvenient mess .....


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