Sunday, April 8, 2007

What To Do For A Dry Cough In A 5 Months Old?

rossana in viaggio

March 8, 2007

I read a book recently about a man who at the ripe old age of sixty years made
decides to leave for a long period from Paris, his home town, where until then had
successfully worked as a journalist. He had at that time children and grandchildren, many friends and a social life
Everyone is amazed that it had decided "Why vuoi partire? in fondo qui hai tutto…”Anche più tempo ormai da dedicare a se stesso, poteva stare un po’ in poltrona a leggere o dedicarsi alla cura dei suoi fiori…e poi non aveva piu’ l’età, secondo alcuni, per compiere un’esperienza così impegnativa e faticosa, effettivamente il suo obiettivo era davvero arduo, voleva percorrere l’antica Via della Seta, attraversando l’Asia, da Istambul fino in Cina, a piedi. Nonostante le resistenze familiari, inizia il suo viaggio e nel primo periodo continuerà a chiedersi se stà facendo bene a seguire il suo istinto e il suo desiderio. Arriverà in Cina e poi, dopo due anni tornerà soddisfatto a Parigi.

so my travel journal because I feel above all the need to explain my decision to make a long journey.

I live in Milan always work as a midwife, in a beautiful heart of midwives, my lunanuova .... I have two grown daughters, one lives and works in Rome, the other twenty, lived and studied in Milan at home, my parents are well and smart, I have many friends, I also have a special love. I'm gonna take 50 years and I want to go ahead, discover all that I still miss it, what I have not had time to do so always working and taking care of my family, certainly with love, now I want to look at the horizon, at least for a while, to look at the colors that this new time and smell the scent also, slowly, carefully and presence, without the urgent requests of anyone, I also need loneliness, time is stretched and a project within a journey.
I want to study aikido and English.
I feel I deserve it this time, I have prepared this gift for me. I will travel around the world, together with Simon, trusted companion and ally: we're going to Bali and then in Japan where we will house and attend the Academy of Aikido for a few months and then will be the turn of the States where I'll finally find a part of my family, then Lisbon and finally Milan at birth.

This was not easy to decide to let go of control over my son James and my work that I built for years, it was not easy to believe to my family and my colleagues that I was going really, I I had to start strongly want to be, only in February, convincing them. In that month I felt like a fish out of water, which did not reassure everyone, (nice projection!) I said I'd come back, that they should not worry about me, I had health and money enough to take risks, I would still session if need be. I said it, but I was shaking (I still tremble), while I was too attracted to the new independence, curiosity to know and to know more, far from the daily security which, although a little boring, are reassuring for everyone, material and emotional distance that far, I have never without fail. And then in front of me sharing with a man, after so many years, now when I seemed to have given up a satisfactory relationship with them, the males ....
I realize that I begin my story in a serious way, but I'm serious, I know me and be okay, as I like, since I have to relearn Ranzo, with the school counselor as training in Gestalt therapy, ( thanks to my four years of saints!) to be light and also leave out that part of me and brilliant divertente.Con Simone fact I can also laugh a lot.
Okay, in the end we all had to believe, we bought the ticket.

The start was a holiday, we arrived in Bali and, thanks to Carolina, distant friend of Milan, who has lived many years in Bali, we found a perfect spot that I recommend, if you are quite adaptable and if you look the sea in the morning when you wake up. A bungalow close to others on a green bluff, a "mami" Ibu Waian, all the women here are called ibu, all the firstborn, regardless of males and females are called waian, che prepara la prima colazione al risveglio( non ci sono orari da rispettare, negli alberghi metto sempre la sveglia per non perdere il breckfast...) , che vi fa la lavatrice, che stende e stira, che aggiusta ogni cosa, anche le cerniere dei pantaloni, che fa ordine e pulisce di continuo sorridendo sempre. Un bungalow all’aperto a due piani, un bagno all’aperto, ma riparato, con acqua calda anche per un bidet che si fa direttamente sul water con una piccola canna. All’arrivo Indra ed Ector ci vengono a prendere in aeroporto a Depansar e via, si parte con l’inglese…lo imparerò mai??

Ci portano in auto, stupiti di tutto il nostro bagaglio, compreso il bokken di Simone, all’estremo sud dell’isola, nella cartina è quella piccola penisola che si chiama Bukit. Indra è la cognata di Carolina che vive e lavora a Bali progettando e producendo gioielli, Ector, suo amico,viene dall’Australia e vive a Timor, isola indonesiana. E’di casa a Bali perché qui ha una figlia con una donna balinese e quindi passa parecchio tempo a Bukit.
E’ un uomo simpatico e non male…..resterà con noi per un po’di giorni. Ogni mattina fa ginnastica davanti al mare e io lo guardo dal bungalow.

Parlano tanto e io dopo tante ore di viaggio capisco quasi subito che parlare per me ora è una fatica, che sia inglese, indonesiano o giapponese o anche italiano…….preferisco write.

Indra is a nice and friendly woman, maybe he needs some Gestalt session because it is also very depressed after the recent divorce. I know something ... ... .. His sons have decided to live with his father, a wealthy American. She is of German origin, speaks all languages, including Indonesian, has long lived in India as a true flower child and her guru.
will reveal to us an excellent guide around the island, with its Hindu temples and its tropical jungle, with large areas planted with rice terraces, you can define an Eden on earth. Far from the tourists, who in March are few, we enjoy the beautiful summer days with her and visit holy places, and colorful markets waterfalls and natural hot. Bali is a 'volcanic island, the beach is only at Bukit white and surfers play year-round with really big waves. Also we have played and I have also drunk, since the waves are not always regular! On the beach, comfortably stretched out on beds very soft, protected by umbrellas, (the sun is strong) we allowed full body massage and lemon juice ice deposited by smiling bartenders, on wooden tables next to a luxury beds ... ... ... unusual for a few rupees.

Here everyone smiles and work, children are beautiful, kind and energetic women, all men are boss ... there is harmony. Several times a day for men and women make offerings to the spirits good, wear special clothes and go everywhere, even on the beach, the small bamboo trays full of flowers and incense that settles everywhere. Even at Bukit Ibu Waian performs this gesture in his absence every day and takes care of Indra.

Captain then special days as preparations are underway for the Hindu New Year, which marks the end of the rainy season. The entire population, in every village, is engaged for months to prepare for the procession, which is to build very large papier-mâché monsters or I do not know what material, paintings and stained with evil and scary faces, which are at least three meters, which are made on a kind of bamboo floor, led by the young arms in the village, follow the young women with offerings of flowers and fruits, the band of children and then everyone else. These monsters should scare the evil spirits must, at least for a year, get them away from the island, so that the next day, a 'sunrise the next, no one can breathe, or using electricity or fire for cooking so, they, the evil spirits, they believe that the island is uninhabited and they will go elsewhere. ... This day special called Gnapì.Se you move from your country you can be fined and taken to jail for crossing the island inspectors to check that everyone is in place.

I though that I always manage to be a bit iconoclastic, while accepting all the rules I have dealt with a ... ... and I went down hung from a rope on the beach in our beautiful meadow at the bottom for me was part of our land, believing that they can enter the water smoothly, in fact, Simone, from seeing my hesitation, given the size of the waves, decreased to reach me, contrary to his respectful attitude toward this rule and helped me to get out of the water and also really powerful. Then, finally, completely alone as I wanted, I was a bit to enjoy this wonderful place, knowing that evil spirits could take away with them or that the policeman could pass, but I thought it's too hot to stay at home in himself ... truth about the past is really late with her daughter and a dumb dog. He spoke at length with Indra telling fines given to tourists who have not abided by the Hindu rule out the hotels.

In Bali

often, we meet on a kind of wooden stilts covered with a thatched roof that serves to stop, rest, chat with friends, we also need to lie down to dream. He often encounter these buildings down the street, called bale bangog ... ... ... we have one in front of our house, open to the wind and the geckos that day ... .. Then I washed the clothes by hand and ate strictly to dark. At night, with the poop on the head of the family of geckos and their strange ways, luckily we were under the mosquito net, started early ... sleep ... fantastic. The bungalow is a pentagon-shaped piles and has two floors, under a porch Wood and climb the ladder there is a room with wood floor, the roof of bamboo and straw and bamboo curtains that can be traced back or fall with a simple system of ropes that bind to the bollards ... ... ... seems to be a little boat in the middle of sea, except that in the early morning when you wake up to see the light entering the meadow cows with their calves that graze .
Well that image will stay long in my memory.

15 marzo 2007

La bella strada che attraversa l’isola verso nord ci porta ad Ubud dove incontrerò Ibù Robin,
una famosa ostetrica che lavora in una casa di maternità. Sempre Indra mi aiuta nell’incontrare questa donna dai tratti indonesiani, di padre americano e di madre filippina, che si è trasferita qua da alcuni anni. L’incontro è emozionante,vorrei fossero con me le ragazze della lunanuova, vi ho pensato tanto. La casa è immersa nel verde, c’è un piccolo tempio nel giardino e anche un piccolo laghetto. E’ una casa aperta, come tutte le case a Bali, le stanze si affacciano the garden is sheltered and bordered by a corridor furnished with sofas and plants. Else is a very big voice, lots of space where Claudia would finally ... ... the midwives are six, but few as three babies are born per day. Using Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and homeopathy.

Paola, thinks there is a very large room with a pool where women give birth, and even a room with the roof open in the green, where you can make relaxing and therapeutic treatments, Sabi and Simon, there is also the acupuncturist healer and the doctor and hospital of Depansar is only half an hour away, but use it here too much because cesareans are on the agenda.
Robin told me a story that happened recently and very straziane Depansar hospital, because here there is no public health, everything is free of charge and as the couple in question after cesarean possedeveva not the money to pay, they did not want to give them the child was born .... I talked about trade in children and malnutrition. Simon has turned to leave money to the collection that Robin is doing for the parents.

All midwives living in the neighborhood, including there is a Ibu Robin 'ashram beautiful, tropical greenery, home to midwives who wish to stop at least a month if not more, she ne ha sempre bisogno… c’è posto anche per il marito…..chi viene con me?

Pare che il balinese sia una lingua facile Robin dice che si impara subito. Mi ha fatto incontrare una donna che aveva partorito da poco e ha voluto che prendessi in braccio la bimba appena nata…ho ringraziato la mamma che felice si riposava con l’altro figlio più grande in un letto immacolato: ho pronunciato “trimacasè.. trimacasè” (grazie in indonesiano) grandi sorrisi e abbracci, il cuore funziona ovunque.

then hosted us at his house, he has presented his teenage children (they are similar to ours for look a bit 'absent and baggy trousers), his first granddaughter and the daughter still pregnant, and her American husband with beautiful blue eyes, a producer of documentaries. We always speak English ... I'm forcing myself to the maximum, but luckily there is Simone.

the sink, in a large glass, at least 10 toothbrushes, too many people live here, even un'Ibù Waian qua che spazza e rassetta instancabilmente, poi un libro di fitoterapia, con dedica, in regalo per me e un ottimo ginger servito ghiacciato con lo zucchero.

Al ritorno ho subito chiesto a Ibù Waian di comprarlo al mercato per portarlo anche in giappone. il ginger è una radice con cui si fa un decotto che oltre a dare energia è davvero squisito bevuto freddo e dolce. La casa di Robin è aperta su un giardino pieno di fiori che collega, attraverso vialetti di pietra, ogni locale della sua grande casa.
Sento che mi sto innamorando di quel luogo magico e mi immagino lì,
mentre lavoro con lei e con voi.


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