Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ti Rndis Network Adapter Driver

Angels and Devils

" Più leggo e rileggo tutti gli articoli possibili su questi "incidenti" alla Love Parade, più mi riesce difficile, in questo momento, pensare possa esistere un modo peggiore di essere strappati alla vita ", dicono gli angeli.

Piu' penso che mentre quei poveri disgraziati morivano, altri, seppur consapevoli, continuavano a ballare o addirittura riprendevano a ballare, cito testualmente, " to relax." More
'I think with all this love has little to do, regardless of the dead, that' if this and 'the consideration that their reserves, and then to life, then the parade could be safely bucatini dedicated to cheese and pepper, we would have gone anyway million animals. More
'I think that even the most soccer fans' violent, facing death, require that you do not play ball, whereas the organizers of this, so let's call', event, preferred to continue to send music (fuck. personal note) hiding behind the bullshit you want to avoid more victims. More
'I think like the carnage and that 'was associated with gay love, the one and Papen' slings immediately above as a jackal, expressing "great sorrow " and saying " pray for them," less twenty-four hours after saying that gays in the church and the church do not want them. More
'I think if you send your daughter to twenty-one in Germany to participate in a charnel house like that, knowing what a rave which normally involved millions of animals, then some of the' beast are you parent. More
'round the other time I think there will be' someone who will jump 'out to say that Oh well', and 'a bad thing happened, but you can not' do the whole herb a beam, there are good people who go to raves, that after you go to have fun and so on. More
'I think that behind events like this, someone who earns at the end there' forever. More
'I think if you're gay and you're discriminated against, instead of going to the streets to dance and to overdo it with anything that crosses between the Nutella and MDMA, we go to the streets to protest, angry and, if necessary, a stick in his hand.

this I add, hell.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kidney Stones And Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

The worker-priest (with all due respect)

Berlusconi's daughter graduated and Prof. Rev. Dr. Gran. No. Lup. Mann. Don (for posterity clarify the case of religious or other) application to the young man Luigi Verzè daughter if it considers that it would be conceivable to create within the University of San Raffaele a course in economics when disseminating lessons the author studied the girl for her thesis. Above all, if she is willing to have the chair.
So far, it seems one of the many stories of ordinary immeritocrazia who populate universities and research institutes Italian public and private, including the San Raffaele (and let me say, well shit, that I've worked for over a year there, and I've seen things that you mortals etc.. etc...)
but there is one truth.
Try to revisit in my memory the images of the ceremony.
you, Barbara Berlusconi, an academic gown purple (?) On the flat cap on his head, standing before the Committee of Science, describes the thinking of Amartya Sen. He is about to graduate. So to speak, of course, since it has completed (in eight years!) One of those post-morattiane antics that are now called Bachelor, created for the sole purpose of showing to the world how good they are and gggiovani Italian scholars who graduate with such ease. And he's there, sitting in the front row, flushed, excited. A true popes fully fledged. Her little is going to be 'doctor'. Which, if I may make a brief, thinker at Inc. offers the opportunity for a number of idle reflections of the type: but if a three-year degree is to gain the title of 'doctor', a five-year license gives? And someone like me for example, that in addition to the five-year degree has a doctorate in three years (without pay), in what capacity should be entitled (in addition to the licensed fool for having worked three years for free)? But
closed parenthesis.
I said, there she is now facing the conclusions of his work. And finally breathing a sigh of relief, thanked the committee for your attention and finally, in a blaze of photographers (my degree was just a double recruited at the last moment with the picture that he wanted to sell me a Set pans in Teflon), shakes hands and receives the fateful honor of the title by the rector himself. And him. He is moved by a wave of sincere emotion, he brings his hands to the eyes and puffed out his chest, proud of that creature which still remembers with pigtails and socks, and instead now ... now ...
In short, it could not be distinguished from any other parent proud of the successes of his daughter. To see him for a moment, we had the perception of our prime minister as any one, as one of us, with the car keys in your pocket used bought brand new new doctor for her daughter. Then
operative Prof. Rev. Dr. Grand. No. etc.. and that wishful thinking, that even highly skilled workers already had translated as a percentage of earned acclaim from the prime minister, has been shattered. Then he opens his mouth Prof. Dr. etc. and drag this picture so joyous in the mud, getting the most odious of servility, turning it into a manifestation of the most disgusting of patronage. In the face of all unemployed graduates (and perhaps even more prepared) in the country, including those present at the ceremony. It brings the viewer with the scene of so much down to earth, reminding them exactly who are the protagonists. In short, it ruins everything. Millions of votes lost, the consensus in vertical drop.
No red gown would have been capable of such.
Si, perchè è questa la verità! Don Verzè...E' COMUNISTA!!!

(nella foto i partecipanti alla cerimonia di laurea indossano gli occhialini per vederla in 3D)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Down Peliculas En Espanol Gratis

A Falling

Dunque vediamo. A dar retta al Corriere, in un giorno solo l'inopinatamente nostro Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi ha:

1) chiamato Fini, presidente della Camera dei Deputati, una " mela bacata ".

2) detto che nel PdL non c'e' "niente da riorganizzare per quanto riguarda l'onesta'". Non e' chiaro se nel senso che tra cricche, P3 e via dicendo, la disonesta' degli iscritti va bene com'e' ed anzi e' requisito fondamentale to have the party card.

3) said that he has brought a new morality 'in politics, " to not steal." Although we suspect a misprint ...

4) said that "we are mafiosi arrested eight of the thirty fugitives a day and most 'dangerous in Italy we have taken twenty-seven . Here, too, if you do not understand that 'we' and he's going to Bondi or among the eight arrested a day should also include dell'Utri.

5) asked the Police service outside of the Duomo where we unexpectedly and 'went to attend a concert, if it' s true that, after learning that the American police cars there ' says 'Police', adesso loro vogliono scrivere sulle loro 'Indice'.

con cio' riscuotendo gli applausi ed il consenso dell'audience che lo ascoltava, del giornalista del Corriere e, non ultimi, dei Carabinieri. Curioso che, anche solo per il punto 5, io invece l'avrei preso a badilate nei denti.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wearing Underwear Penis Size

Italian Sandwich journalistic third Millennium

Il pane fa schifo, ma anche il companatico non scherza.

Monday, July 5, 2010

All Pokemon Roms Combination


In allarme il Department of Health and Human Services statunitense in seguito alla conferma di casi sospetti di Minzolinite acuta sul territorio nazionale. Per prevenire il diffondersi del panico nella popolazione, il Presidente obama ha imposto ai telegiornali of all national and local television to transmit reassuring images of the war in Afghanistan.