Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spray Painting Bionicle


Based on today's decision of the Court of Caltanissetta, which enshrines the "release from seizure of Calcestruzzi Spa prescription, change the role played by the judicial administration so far. Judicial Administration will return to the same social and Concrete Italcementi Spa responsibilities associated with managing the company, taking on a new oversight role on behalf of the Court Caltanissetta - Office of Judicial Administration GIP The objective will be to ensure the timely continuation and completion of important projects already initiated by the same judicial administration and shared with Italcementi Spa, aimed at reorganizing the system of governance and production company in accordance with principles of legality and transparency and thus also aimed at avoiding those activities that allowed the execution of the crimes alleged at the time.

"The order issued today by the Court of Caltanissetta is extremely innovative and demonstrates that the protective order, if accompanied by a virtuous and wise management of permanent supervision of the court, may allow not only the continuity of business operations, but also the "rehabilitation of the company" and its "return" to the market, instead of punitive measures that can, in severe cases, also lead the confiscation of the company, "said the lawyer. Seminara Chaplain, Chief Judicial Calcestruzzi Spa "In this context, the work and the measures introduced over the past two years allowed by the judicial administration to define and initiate a major reorganization and modernization of the plant, aimed to industrialization the production process, strengthening corporate governance and the promotion of heritage. "

Over the next few weeks, the Judicial Administration will step up meetings with partner Italcementi in order to ensure the quick passage of the management and define the new role that, on the basis of the Warrant, will take. Then the judiciary will ensure the completion of the planned measures in the Plan of Action - the so called requirements as defined by the Court and agreed with partner Italcementi SpA - as well as on the production process all pending operations are completed.

The main organizational changes promoted by Giudiziaria nel corso degli ultimi 2 anni, molti dei quali in piena sinergia con la struttura operativa aziendale ed il socio Italcementi, possono essere così sinteticamente riassunti: audit di tutti gli impianti di betonaggio; interventi di adeguamento normativo e tecnologico; riapertura degli impianti in Sicilia; costituzione di una funzione centralizzata di business control con centralizzazione del flusso informatico per il controllo e la supervisione in tempo reale della produzione; progressiva blindatura informatica del sistema produttivo degli impianti; revisione del sistema di governance e dell’organigramma aziendale; avvio del processo di sostituzione del sistema informatico di gestione della produzione con un nuovo importante software leader a livello world, and adjustment of the organization ex Legislative Decree no. 231; establishment of a Standing Technical Committee to approve new guidelines for the production of concrete, a definition of the 2009-2013 business plan, specific actions to reduce costs and structural variables even through the use of social safety nets for the management of the global economic crisis.