Arrivo a New Orleans in Louisiana
Fall 2007
We Arkahansas , the sale of cars is always visible ... huge fleet,
the edge of each small town even as Arkadelphia we are about to leave.
These fleets make me a little
sadness with all the fast food on the road.
The landscape from now on will be a little repetitive
we pulled over interstate ''which is as if it were
a corridor of fir and cedar ... moltobello ,
but too long ...
We enter the northern half of Louisiana
day, the landscape of North
does not change much compared to ' Arkahansas West,
that change, the population here is more diverse with the presence of many African Americans.
We would like to see something historic,
leave the main road to Alexandria and
for Nachitachez , but it all seems very new, just built, as if the centers, while retaining old names, they were gone and in their place there were new houses, a little anonymous, mostly single-family. The rooms are very modern exterior, but inside is passato.Forse keep the memory of a past way too quick but intense, that has had little about these people who seem ready to change.
Old photos, guns, horse sculptures, mannequins of Indians, checkered tablecloths and preparations for the celebration of Halloween , colorful gourds, hanging skeletons, colored lights and dream catcher ...
The feeling is that everything is demolished and rebuilt with no style,
urbanization is becoming a priority and cut the roots, perhaps too shallow.
I see many houses on wheels ... even a stone. The billboards advertise
prepared food and suggest ways to earn fast money "Do you Want to earn much money ?", Or invite you to easily get funding.
Louisiana descended from the north to south, toward New Orleans.
This state is also called " Pellican State" we speak English but you hear a lot about French and English, here use the term "parish " instead of " country" to call a country.
It 'a very populous state which is affected by both French and English cultural influence.
E ' become an interesting area, at some point in the history of unification of American States, especially in the presence of a major river like the Mississippi .
Appalachian Mountains to the east were transposed to a barrier between east and west in the States while possession of the port of New Orleans and the practicability of the river, passed over the problem of internal connections (I continue to study while Simone guide. ..
The capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge and eat a good chicken fried ... More
through the south and the landscape becomes more swampy and tropical vegetation, we get more and more
the delta of the Mississippi and the Port of Orleans
come to town, passing on a narrow bridge in the middle of the lagoon, we begin to see farms and houses with large gardens and colonnades ... French bread, coffee au lait with bigne ', music in the street ... Europe and Africa are mixed with the dynasty of
New Orleans ...
City unforgettable and unimaginable after all these miles.
wonder and joy.
We drove 3200 miles. (5760 km!)
the French Quarter
I do blonde tonight! The weather is beautiful
temperature as well!
these wrought-iron balconies are wonderful
play jazz on the street
there is also tram here
the city is full of colorful shops
this shirt may have too many flowers for my dad!
street artist ... good eh! Building, maintaining the outstanding balance
necklaces glinting on the balconies become the game of the evening when they start from passersby who collect them and wear them ... Yes in French Quarter at night there is great rejoicing, singing all dancing crowd the balconies throwing necklaces and especially drink alcohol freely in the streets.
Across America 's strictly forbidden to drink on the street, who drinks beer is bottled in glass must be removed in a room and do not show themselves for not giving a wrong example, especially to children. In
BURBON Street in New Orleans you can drink for the road and this combined with the music of the premises along the street and the glittering necklaces around the neck of men and women, creates a colorful and whimsical, certainly bit excessive, but fun.
go by policemen on horseback and people continue undisturbed revelry, because in this way everything is allowed around the corner ... back to the rules.
many memories come to mind for each one hundred words that I write more ... I do sorridere.Ancora few days and we'll be Miami ... UAW !!
as they say here every two to three ...
Friday, November 9, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Plans For Street Legal For Sand Rails
Verso il caldo del sud
In Colorado there Pikes Peak would go to a summit of the Rocky Mountains, has to be very scenic as they say here, but sin ... a sheriff with the star we do not recommend the road to Pikes Peak and the first snow in the evening you will go below zero, Okay we understand it, the Rocky Mountains just do not want us to take you anywhere in the ... Pass by a shop that sells ornaments for Christmas, I took them all away ... as in Lubeck, where there were large wooden boxes divided on compartments with all possible tree ornaments and nativity ...
instead bought two beautiful Omer Simpson,del resto non sono poi tanto lontana da Springfield...
Poi via verso sud, sempre per correre dietro al sole e nel primo pomeriggio siamo in New Mexico!!!
Anche questa terra è estremamente vasta, non si vedono i confini all'orizzonte, siamo su un altipiano piatto e vediamo mandrie felici,daini e cavalli.
Siamo sull'interstatale 64, ancora con la ferrovia accanto.La strada è quasi deserta come il panorama, noi chiacchieriamo, ascoltiamo la musica e ci riposiamo nelle aree di servizio,ad un certo punto vediamo il nome di un paese: Capulin...disabitato.Il sole sta calando la luce è irreale, la macchina fotografica non funziona, ci riempiamo gli occhi, e ci ritroviamo seduti su una panchina verde, Wood, in Capulin (country regularly on the card), front porch with an old grocery store, closed.
Then after a bit of mileage out of nowhere a building, called Sierra Restaurant is worth a visit ... and of course everything is sold at a few dollars as if they were selling out, I see lots of small souvenir shop remained in the now half-empty ... girl behind the counter was smiling and lives here in the desert must have good character ... I think ... Every so often comes with the hat by some factor cawboy and orders a coffee, sitting at ...
At sunset we are in the small town of Clayton, eat in an old hotel with a saloon ... the atmosphere is authentic, the town lives around this venue, tutti bevono birra e portano il cappello...L'edificio è mantenuto in buono stato,vedo le vecchie foto appese alle pareti e un pianoforte che ancora funziona, tutto è di legno, guardo la strada e immagino i cavalli con le redini attaccate ai pali che sostengono la tettoia di legno. Alle finestre tende bianche di pizzo...mangiamo cibo messicano, pasta di mais ricoperta di formaggio fuso e sugo di carne, tortillias e birra.Peccato non ho le foto di questo luogo magico...
Il New Mexico è definito anche lo "Stato Spagnolo", è il nome dato dagli spagnoli ai territori a nord ovest del Rio Grande.La capitale è Santa Fè a 2000 metri di quota.Questa terra è stata conquistata dal popolo indiano chiamato Pueblo che anche attualmente lo abita.
The annexation to the United States has been slow and it took place in several phases, the eastern part of New Mexico is now the state of Arizona. (Just in this land detonated the first atomic bomb in '45, is still a area of \u200b\u200bnuclear laboratories)
The motto of this land is "Land of Enchantment" (land of enchantment)
These mottoes of which I write are always written well plates on cars of different states!
Clayton is near the border with Texas.
I think of Paul, a dear friend who now lives over here in Italy, we can also send us an e-mail because the Best Western to stay always have the option of connecting to the internet ... but meet with Paul is not, Texas is huge, as an extension comes after the 'Alaska and is also very popolato.E' the state in which Bush was born, is the most conservative of America and is also the state in which the sentence Death occurs most often.
His motto is "Lone Star State" (Lone Star), its capital is Austin.
The landscape is flat and monotonous and there curious about the many oil wells and the big machines that extract crude oil and the large silos on the road, sometimes a plant or a truck.
if you look at the map of the USA can see that being enough to the north the road soon leads in Oklahoma, it seems to go downhill ... we go down!
In Oklaoma cambia fuso orario per la seconda volta +1 ora verso l'occidente...sempre più lontani da Tokyo che è nei nostri pensieri ogni giorno.
Sì, siamo felici di questo viaggio eppure abbiamo il mal di Giappone e nessuno ci aveva detto di questa possibilità...tutti sappiamo che esiste il mal d'Africa... ma nulla di più.Pensiamo alla nostra casa di Tokyo e non solo io, anche Simone che normalmente non soffre di malinconie...Mi tranquillizza sentire che è un sentimento condiviso.
In Oklahoma molto sole e vento, alla stazione di servizio mi compro un paio di occhiali rossi e un portachiavi con le lettere OK!
Un camionista ci avvicina e ci dice:"where are you guys headed? "
(where you're going guys?) look at the map with him and gives us some consiglio.Io still understand too little, but I try a lot, definitely my English has improved, but I still grind listen ...
Panorama: red earth, low hills, wide meadows, cows, cows, cows ...
We are the famous Interstate 40 quella che avremmo imboccato a SanFrancisco se non avessimo avuto la sfortunata idea di passare per Yellowstone...
Vediamo nel cielo un grandissimo sciame di uccelli sembra una migrazione.
Arriviamo a Oklaoma City e abbiamo percorso 2270 miglia cioè km 2270x1,6=km 3632 (dato che ogni miglio terrestre corrisponde a 1600 metri!!!! )Per mio padre,tanto lo sa.....(MIGLIO: dal latino milia passuum mille passi...) da non confondere con il miglio marino che corrisponde a circa 1800 metri
In Oklahoma ci sono più di 200 laghi artificiali e non, è uno stato utilizzato come riserva indiana già dalla prima metà dell'800. Le riserve indiane sono in realtà luoghi di deportazione, esistono su tutto il American soil today, but especially in Oklahoma, perhaps because it is a land where we could and can exercise more control than on the mountains of New Mexico, where many tribes preferred to live. And 'one of the six states that separates America from western Europe, it is located on the Frontier Strip, the line from North Dakota down to here. It 'a mainly agricultural, there are many roads will be to divert the trail and get to the farms that can be seen from far away ... or even the reserves that are designated as tourist sites ... We went up to Oklahoma City capital, and we stopped in a Best Western wonderful ...
Like all Best Western is located on the outskirts the city, is about swimming, is very green and the pool is wonderful as well as the 'whirlpool and sauna.
inevitably remind the Japanese onsen since it is early for dinner, we enjoy everything, including the mutual massage japan ... docet! Great enjoyment
evening with dinner served in your room virtually by the pool ... not to mention the breakfast that morning I will take at least a kilo ... but I can not resist ...
I can do a bit of washing machines that are basically a fun after so many hours in the car ... and then change the dollars in coins from a quarter I can buy the detergent to the machine and operation as well as the washing machine also the dryer ... and laundry! all done in an hour ... a real game! This Best Western you can serve drinks and coffee will, in short all night the pace back and forth, while Simon enjoyed all lying on the king bed, watching the Monday Night (evening of football) on TV.
We are very relaxed, the climate is wonderful. The next day
you have to start and I stop here for three seasons at least ... We must continue to the east, the machine must be returned in time Oct. 14 in Miami, we are at 7 and we have yet to cross the Arkansas, Louisiana and Florida. ..
Arkansans is also called "The Natural State" is its motto "Ruling Popolus" Little Rock.E its capital is' the country where he was born Bill Clinton, specifically in the town of Hope is in our way and you think ... has lived in Hot Springs (Arkansas could not even give up a town Sprins ....) We still see lakes, forests and Mississippi that borders the state on the east.
We are tired, we decide to stay in Hot Spring which is described as a beautiful city ever ... decisione fu più noi ridiamo...Il navigatore si sbaglia come tutte le macchine e ci dà questo luogo vicino in termini di tempo...Dopo un bellissimo tragitto in mezzo ai pini e agli aceri che dura almeno un'ora, arriviamo in un luogo, per l'appunto Hot Springs, che rientra in un progetto residenziale in costruzione...ruspe ovunque dopo il bosco e la strada piena di curve...Scappiamo, ma non ci andrà molto meglio arrivando ad Arkadelphia...Best Western di decima categoria. Buona la cena a base di steak in un ristorante tipico, bello anche se fa parte di una catena che si chiama cracker barrel, con negozietto annesso, sedie a dondolo di legno dipinte di rosso e dama sul tavolo per giocare sul terrazzo esterno...
Si dorme e si poco...
con occhiali rossi....Simone con cappello rosso
se Simone riuscirà a caricare qualche video potrete ridere un pò...
In Colorado there Pikes Peak would go to a summit of the Rocky Mountains, has to be very scenic as they say here, but sin ... a sheriff with the star we do not recommend the road to Pikes Peak and the first snow in the evening you will go below zero, Okay we understand it, the Rocky Mountains just do not want us to take you anywhere in the ... Pass by a shop that sells ornaments for Christmas, I took them all away ... as in Lubeck, where there were large wooden boxes divided on compartments with all possible tree ornaments and nativity ...
instead bought two beautiful Omer Simpson,del resto non sono poi tanto lontana da Springfield...
Poi via verso sud, sempre per correre dietro al sole e nel primo pomeriggio siamo in New Mexico!!!
Anche questa terra è estremamente vasta, non si vedono i confini all'orizzonte, siamo su un altipiano piatto e vediamo mandrie felici,daini e cavalli.
Siamo sull'interstatale 64, ancora con la ferrovia accanto.La strada è quasi deserta come il panorama, noi chiacchieriamo, ascoltiamo la musica e ci riposiamo nelle aree di servizio,ad un certo punto vediamo il nome di un paese: Capulin...disabitato.Il sole sta calando la luce è irreale, la macchina fotografica non funziona, ci riempiamo gli occhi, e ci ritroviamo seduti su una panchina verde, Wood, in Capulin (country regularly on the card), front porch with an old grocery store, closed.
Then after a bit of mileage out of nowhere a building, called Sierra Restaurant is worth a visit ... and of course everything is sold at a few dollars as if they were selling out, I see lots of small souvenir shop remained in the now half-empty ... girl behind the counter was smiling and lives here in the desert must have good character ... I think ... Every so often comes with the hat by some factor cawboy and orders a coffee, sitting at ...
At sunset we are in the small town of Clayton, eat in an old hotel with a saloon ... the atmosphere is authentic, the town lives around this venue, tutti bevono birra e portano il cappello...L'edificio è mantenuto in buono stato,vedo le vecchie foto appese alle pareti e un pianoforte che ancora funziona, tutto è di legno, guardo la strada e immagino i cavalli con le redini attaccate ai pali che sostengono la tettoia di legno. Alle finestre tende bianche di pizzo...mangiamo cibo messicano, pasta di mais ricoperta di formaggio fuso e sugo di carne, tortillias e birra.Peccato non ho le foto di questo luogo magico...
Il New Mexico è definito anche lo "Stato Spagnolo", è il nome dato dagli spagnoli ai territori a nord ovest del Rio Grande.La capitale è Santa Fè a 2000 metri di quota.Questa terra è stata conquistata dal popolo indiano chiamato Pueblo che anche attualmente lo abita.
The annexation to the United States has been slow and it took place in several phases, the eastern part of New Mexico is now the state of Arizona. (Just in this land detonated the first atomic bomb in '45, is still a area of \u200b\u200bnuclear laboratories)
The motto of this land is "Land of Enchantment" (land of enchantment)
These mottoes of which I write are always written well plates on cars of different states!
Clayton is near the border with Texas.
I think of Paul, a dear friend who now lives over here in Italy, we can also send us an e-mail because the Best Western to stay always have the option of connecting to the internet ... but meet with Paul is not, Texas is huge, as an extension comes after the 'Alaska and is also very popolato.E' the state in which Bush was born, is the most conservative of America and is also the state in which the sentence Death occurs most often.
His motto is "Lone Star State" (Lone Star), its capital is Austin.
The landscape is flat and monotonous and there curious about the many oil wells and the big machines that extract crude oil and the large silos on the road, sometimes a plant or a truck.
if you look at the map of the USA can see that being enough to the north the road soon leads in Oklahoma, it seems to go downhill ... we go down!
In Oklaoma cambia fuso orario per la seconda volta +1 ora verso l'occidente...sempre più lontani da Tokyo che è nei nostri pensieri ogni giorno.
Sì, siamo felici di questo viaggio eppure abbiamo il mal di Giappone e nessuno ci aveva detto di questa possibilità...tutti sappiamo che esiste il mal d'Africa... ma nulla di più.Pensiamo alla nostra casa di Tokyo e non solo io, anche Simone che normalmente non soffre di malinconie...Mi tranquillizza sentire che è un sentimento condiviso.
In Oklahoma molto sole e vento, alla stazione di servizio mi compro un paio di occhiali rossi e un portachiavi con le lettere OK!
Un camionista ci avvicina e ci dice:"where are you guys headed? "
(where you're going guys?) look at the map with him and gives us some consiglio.Io still understand too little, but I try a lot, definitely my English has improved, but I still grind listen ...
Panorama: red earth, low hills, wide meadows, cows, cows, cows ...
We are the famous Interstate 40 quella che avremmo imboccato a SanFrancisco se non avessimo avuto la sfortunata idea di passare per Yellowstone...
Vediamo nel cielo un grandissimo sciame di uccelli sembra una migrazione.
Arriviamo a Oklaoma City e abbiamo percorso 2270 miglia cioè km 2270x1,6=km 3632 (dato che ogni miglio terrestre corrisponde a 1600 metri!!!! )Per mio padre,tanto lo sa.....(MIGLIO: dal latino milia passuum mille passi...) da non confondere con il miglio marino che corrisponde a circa 1800 metri
In Oklahoma ci sono più di 200 laghi artificiali e non, è uno stato utilizzato come riserva indiana già dalla prima metà dell'800. Le riserve indiane sono in realtà luoghi di deportazione, esistono su tutto il American soil today, but especially in Oklahoma, perhaps because it is a land where we could and can exercise more control than on the mountains of New Mexico, where many tribes preferred to live. And 'one of the six states that separates America from western Europe, it is located on the Frontier Strip, the line from North Dakota down to here. It 'a mainly agricultural, there are many roads will be to divert the trail and get to the farms that can be seen from far away ... or even the reserves that are designated as tourist sites ... We went up to Oklahoma City capital, and we stopped in a Best Western wonderful ...
Like all Best Western is located on the outskirts the city, is about swimming, is very green and the pool is wonderful as well as the 'whirlpool and sauna.
inevitably remind the Japanese onsen since it is early for dinner, we enjoy everything, including the mutual massage japan ... docet! Great enjoyment
evening with dinner served in your room virtually by the pool ... not to mention the breakfast that morning I will take at least a kilo ... but I can not resist ...
I can do a bit of washing machines that are basically a fun after so many hours in the car ... and then change the dollars in coins from a quarter I can buy the detergent to the machine and operation as well as the washing machine also the dryer ... and laundry! all done in an hour ... a real game! This Best Western you can serve drinks and coffee will, in short all night the pace back and forth, while Simon enjoyed all lying on the king bed, watching the Monday Night (evening of football) on TV.
We are very relaxed, the climate is wonderful. The next day
you have to start and I stop here for three seasons at least ... We must continue to the east, the machine must be returned in time Oct. 14 in Miami, we are at 7 and we have yet to cross the Arkansas, Louisiana and Florida. ..
Arkansans is also called "The Natural State" is its motto "Ruling Popolus" Little Rock.E its capital is' the country where he was born Bill Clinton, specifically in the town of Hope is in our way and you think ... has lived in Hot Springs (Arkansas could not even give up a town Sprins ....) We still see lakes, forests and Mississippi that borders the state on the east.
We are tired, we decide to stay in Hot Spring which is described as a beautiful city ever ... decisione fu più noi ridiamo...Il navigatore si sbaglia come tutte le macchine e ci dà questo luogo vicino in termini di tempo...Dopo un bellissimo tragitto in mezzo ai pini e agli aceri che dura almeno un'ora, arriviamo in un luogo, per l'appunto Hot Springs, che rientra in un progetto residenziale in costruzione...ruspe ovunque dopo il bosco e la strada piena di curve...Scappiamo, ma non ci andrà molto meglio arrivando ad Arkadelphia...Best Western di decima categoria. Buona la cena a base di steak in un ristorante tipico, bello anche se fa parte di una catena che si chiama cracker barrel, con negozietto annesso, sedie a dondolo di legno dipinte di rosso e dama sul tavolo per giocare sul terrazzo esterno...
Si dorme e si poco...
con occhiali rossi....Simone con cappello rosso
se Simone riuscirà a caricare qualche video potrete ridere un pò...
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