Monday, October 29, 2007

Mask Of Pregnancyafrican Americans

On the road

October 4
From California to Nevada to all'Idaho.
The day is cold and bright, we start very soon ... at 10 am from California we are already Nevada.Siamo sull'Interstatale 80 Outside It 's a two-lane road in both directions, the toll is gratuito.Pochi services, a few gas pumps.

I like the Union Pacific train in the desert ...

's all great, infinite spaces, desert.
Sometimes malls "deserted desert" I see a casino, it is strange in the desert ... and yet so, I wonder where people live, we stop in Winnemucca (nice name right?) And eat a steak superb.
through a beautiful river, I think the Carson River.

Nevada is the driest state in the U.S. and the light is amazing ... at a service station I feel so happy in the desert comincio a correre con Simone che mi guarda e ride.
Mi piace molto il deserto, mi da un senso di infinito come mi da il mare...l'uomo qua non ha potuto trasformare e la natura è sopravvissuta intatta


Passiamo vicino a Reno che, dopo Las Vegas, è la città più popolosa.Las Vegas è a sud e non è sulla nostra rotta...peccato deve essere una città incredibilmente strana.
Il nome Nevada deriva dallo spagnolo e significa "innevato", qui si incontrano le montagne Rocky, on the border with Montana, its nickname is
"Silver State" and the capital is Carson City, while traveling ... I study ...
E 'is the only U.S. state where legalized gambling and prostitution.

The Great Plains run I see cowboys and Indians, seems like a dream, is a place where the imagination can run free. We enter
Idaho late afternoon there is still a special light,
the landscape is wild, wind and rain have carved the rocks, arid mountain ranges are separated by barren valleys, we begin to see the gorges and peaks like in the movies ...

this state's nickname is the "Gem State" is a large surface area and sparsely populated 6 inhabitants per square km! I look at the map and it seems impossible to see the road traveled, a state daily, sometimes two!
get tired, but satisfied in Jerome, Idaho, change the time zone for the first time in SanFrancisco, we're going to the west and the air is cool now ... ... + 1

October 5 after a good rest and a good breackfast the Best Western in office, we start from Jerome which is a center of little interest, past, Soda Springs (many names of cities in America end up with the word ... Springs) a pass in a great valley crossed by a River, Green River and ferrovia.Vediamo pastures, plants that are colored red stain in the green and blacks ... Let bison near the Great Salt Lake and lost by a few miles into Utah.

This state has an Indian name meaning "mountain people"
"Beehive State" (state of the beekeepers? Mah .. I have yet to discover) the capital is Salt Lake City. The weather here starts to deteriorate and, unfortunately, it begins to rain and very cold ... do we make 1000 miles! and enter in Wyoming!
prairies, farms, farm surrounded by trees so many horses on the long straight ... the federal police stop us for a check, all right, only we were driving too close to the car in front of noi.Il police officer approached the passenger door ( I!) holding the side of the machine, it seems suspicious, then we look at him, drew a smile and I see that relaxes ... we see that in Wyoming do not seem so hospitable, we can understand mostly in service stations or stops we do to eat, our human relations are poor, but the smile does not seem at home here.
's the state of the U.S. along with the more conservative Texas.
arrive in Rock Springs (springs again!) That is already evening we are very tired and we seem to see the snow fall from the sky, the rocky mountains are covered with snow.
These towns are really strange, we are not accustomed to such countries where everything is concentrated in a commercial area, found on the main road where you see mostly gas stations, Burger King and small supermarkets that sell everything from food to clothes ... the houses are around, a few lower and a little sad.

I do not see children, the effects appear to places disabitati.In Wyoming is the least populated of the U.S., 2 inhabitants per square km ... His nickname is "Cawboy State" In this state there are several Indian reservations inhabited by the Sioux survivors who lived in this territory before the arrival of Europeans.
The capital of Wyoming is Cheyenne.
A Rock Springs we killed a little, eat Chinese food in the room ... we can almost certainly continue to Yellowstone ... we gave up in Las Vegas, Arizona and New Mexico and unfortunately we to leave the mountains of Wyoming due to bad weather and heading south-west.

I really like American trucks and I imagine the life of a trucker who travels alone
all these miles ...

We'll see how the weather will be tomorrow morning when you wake up, but the weather is bad.
It 'amazing how in America the weather forecast is accurate, all rely with certainty to the weather in Italy ... I do not believe anything, but here I am realizing that they are reliable, maybe we weather variability has become in the long run even a hint of character ...
I think it's a bit like going to sea when the weather forces you to stop or change course to port. We
front of more than 2500 miles and a wave of bad weather throughout the course of the Rocky Mountains ...

October 6
We remain sull'Intersatale 80 southbound: Pueblo, Colorado.
We want to leave the cold country of Wyoming and find the sun.
The road runs along the railway, we are up and it rains a un'altopiano dirotto.E 'a lousy day, I have a bit of a bad cold and umore.In these cases better "disappear" ... I sleep a lot while driving
Simon, then a light through my eyelids, and the sun Colorado!
We are in Fort Collins is a beautiful country full of beautiful trees and small houses, single-family, surrounded by greenery, the people are dressed lightly despite the 1000 meters that characterize this state Central America.

SEE this continuous springs? ? invented it ... MICA ME !!!!!

We have the Rocky Mountains to continue west and south.
eat a pizza in two in a room is nice ... lots of wind, the leaves are swirling, the sky is very
terso.Addirittura is seen to reach a kind of small typhoon ... tell us that is quite a abituale.La people are smiling, relaxed and more willing to talk and give us information on the road.
We're going to Denver the capital, and we continue to see illuminated in Colorado Springs.
Colorado's nickname is the "Centennial State" (state centennial)
was the state of the miners because of its important mines of gold and silver.
Utah Wyoming and Colorado are the three states have their borders drawn on the meridians and parallels ...
arrive at a Best Western very hospitable, welcoming us a nice guy, we're the Colorado has given us joy with its red earth ... the morning after a good night's sleep we see the sun and then take advantage of his presence to a ride in a natural park, Garden of the Gods.Troviamo tourists for the first time in three days of street people percorsa.La tossed his horse to ride, others walk or ride bicycles.

Simo and I happy we are everywhere ...


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Negative Effects Of Boxing

Testa o Croce?

San Francisco October 3, 2007

The morning is beautiful and windy ...
If you come to San Francisco and even if you are a true gentleman, you have to change the habit at least twice during the day ... or dress in layers during the day but you take a rucksack on his back ... so do the ladies and go back home to change.
The temperature is in fact very strong and they told me that it is so throughout the year.
the early morning and evenings are chilly but the day is hot enough.
There is always wind and the air feels a special scent, maybe because of filtering systems that every car, every restaurant and home they own, which make it not stink ... you smell the sea and the scent of plants and flowers.
's funny get on the tram orange and meet ordinary people, a very heterogeneous population and very colorata.Dal tram I see my shop ... in fact find out that a chain is called in America, "Ross dress for less " (dress up little ...)
After a long walk we pass by a supermarket, my favorite game, and I realize how fast the employees at the cash, but in Tokyo where the procedure is rather slow, in fact, while in Tokyo packed with care divide the market by type and name each item, then wait patiently for time to pay, you hold out the money with both hands and withdraws the rest in the same way, getting a bow and thanking mica ... bad!
In San Francisco, but then all America, if you're not quick you say, " next " with a bit ' of impatience (the next ...) here no word and no fitting ...
I have to remember how to do it to be fast!

Change the space, the proportions, change the eyes. In the East
eyes hard to find, intense when you seem to have succeeded in catching them ...

Simon, and Zac's parents, they tell me it is better not stare at anyone in the street, at least in certain areas.

American enough??

Here there are supermarkets of all kinds and for every budget, every time you enter there is a beep that indicates the presence of a human being ... because of security, but when you come to Tokyo
There is a jingle that sings a "welcome" irashaimase , irashaimase " ... or the ladies a bit ' coarse that is repeated endlessly, naturalmente a seconda del tipo di negozio, con voce più o meno alta!! Nei negozi di lusso è sussurrata...
Si, continuo a notare le differenze, qualsiasi sia la scena che mi si presenta.
Dopo una lunga camminata che ci permette di visitare la città a piedi di guardare le macchine che circolano e i distributori di giornali, notiamo che non c'è l'ombra dei distributori di bibite e caffè a cui eravamo ormai abituati,vediamo le persone che lavorano e quelle che si prendono una pausa per fumare una sigaretta.In America è proibito fumare in qualsiasi luogo interno, fumano solo i neri e i poveri, mentre in Giappone fumano in tanti anche se è preferibile non fumare per strada dopo che un bambino è stato ferito a un occhio just a passer-by who smoked ... a Shinjuku, central Tokyo, there are policemen that hands you a portable ashtray and invite you to put out the cigarette, of course telling sumimasen strong suction on the premises ... allow this gesture as damaging as it is pleasant. It

bé, we get to car, choose a nice and spacious car silver, a Trailblaizer Chevrolet petrol with automatic transmission. Strange use only one foot, the left, to accelerate the clutch and brake ... no ... I wonder if they might like to ... James and I smile to myself ... Very
efficienti ci consegnano la macchina che Simone aveva prenotato da Tokyo insieme a un navigatore che sarà la nostra voce guida....
L'impiegato resta allibito quando scopre che vogliamo arrivare a Miami ,dice che 12 giorni sono pochi,che il viaggio sarà molto lungo...
Lo sappiamo veramente solo ora,dopo aver percorso tutte quelle miglia
Abbiamo nel frattempo intervistato persone incontrate per caso,in molti ci dicono che la strada alta è più scenica, che Yellowstone è un parco formidabile, me lo scrive anche mia zia Linda;
altri, per esempio un signore anziano rilassato su una panchina di fronte al mare, al porto di San Francisco, con whom we have a good conversation, after which accompanies us to see a statue of Gandhi close to boarding the ferry to Sausalito ... he advises us to go south through the missions, the parents of Zac tell us that Arizona and New Mexico are beautiful ... "heads or tails? Here we say "heads or tails? Head or tail ?
In truth draws us all, but as always you have to choose ...
California is a very extensive and very populated, his nickname is "The Golden State" because of the famous gold rush.

Decided: we leave for the Yellowstone Natural Park !


Back to the hotel to take all our luggage and after making some good laps in the car down the hill towards the sea, we leave this beautiful city, we cross the Way Bridge and head north-east to Sacramento, the capital of California.
through two beautiful valleys Sonoma and Napa entirely cultivated with vineyards, it has yet to harvest and the plants are laden with grapes. We also see fruit plantations, are very fertile land and cared for.

begin to see the beautiful colorful truck, with the funnels ... I'll see a lot during the trip and will never cease to admire ... too good!

We arrive at dusk to Best Western of Napa Valley .
We will use this chain of motels throughout the journey.
I am very comfortable clean and affordable, some really beautiful and with many services, laundry, parking, ì cos we can leave our luggage in the car, plus there's always the swimming pool and the beds are three squares (they call them king bed) ... huge, but useful in this land of fatties ... but the little futon on the tatami in Japan ... everything here is enormous, even the bottles of coca !

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cruising Gay Las Vegas

La domenica più lunga della mia vita

September 30 Tokyo-San Francisco.

Mi sono alzata , ho chiuso le valige, ho guardato i fiori sul balcone e salutato ogni stanza.
Piove a dirotto, sono le 10 del mattino.
Arriva Mami , la fac totum di Mr G. bussa alla porta per dirci che i 2 taxi prenotati per la Stazione di Tokyo sono arrivati in cima alla piccola salita e ci aspettano.
Portiamo le valige(tante) verso le macchine, poi di corsa sotto la pioggia giù, verso Mr G. che sulla soglia della sua porta segue con gli occhi i nostri movimenti.Mi inchino con la frase di ringraziamento e saluto giapponese, che esce sinceramente dalla mia bocca, gli prendo le mani e gli dico grazie anche in italiano, ho gli occhi che luccicano, come i suoi.
Mami mi da una lettera che metto sotto il giubbetto perchè non si bagni. Sono molto emozionata.
In taxi scoppio in lacrime e sento come per me è difficile "lasciare", sento la carezza di Simone.
So già che questo luogo e questo tempo lasceranno una forte e benefica, traccia dentro di me.

Arriviamo all'aeroporto di Narita e c'è molta gente in partenza, al check-in Simone è molto bravo ad intrattenere l'impiegato giapponese che divertito ci lascia passare senza menzionare i kg in più del nostro bagaglio...viaggio ottimo, sette ore di volo, tra una dormita e l'altra sento ancora il Giappone vicino a me.Vi seem strange, but I feel even now.

arrive in San Francisco that are 9 am always of the same Sunday .... the time zone change of less than 12 hours, I think that in Tokyo the day all that remained to be concluded and that we are about to begin again .... it is always the 30 of settembre.Restiamo awake until the evening, the hotel has chosen Simon on the Internet, is located at the bottom of Market Street which is a beautiful route that continues after Union Square, the main square of San Francisco, in an area that has become a central little device ... the way is very long!
The hotel is in a Victorian style, a little dusty, but true, we open the windows of American wood, up comes a light ... incredible, the sky is clear, bright blue, no wind and from watching people walking and caffeTrieste , a bar in front of us, waiting for us ... I see the orange trams like those in Milan and the men hand in hand, I see many blacks, I feel much musica.E 'all over again and I happily intrigued.

Sto scrivendo ed è già passato un sacco di tempo, abbiamo attraversato l'America in macchina da San Francisco in California, a Miami in Florida...4000 miglia che equivalgono a ben 6400 km...tanto in 12 giorni.Entusiasmante.Simone lo chiama un viaggio epico, io non so come definirlo In a word ... I always use a lot ... I felt most of all, a pioneer ... then the definition is for me a journey of discovery, but also for the identification ... I went to all parts as a movie or a comic book and I enjoyed it so much.
San Francisco is a special city, do not I see more than one way to New Orleans in Louisiana . The first real day as tourists do a city tour with a bus that allows you to get on and off, which is 24 hours, then around 5, we are completely down sleep ... until the next day.
In San Francisco you can breathe in an atmosphere of freedom and openness to new, not after, the conservative, yet beautiful America. The
days later, with the tram really bought in Milan, (the markings inside are in Italian, uphill left, etc.) and with a note that lasts 1 hour we reach the pier.
Market fruit and vegetables and ferry to Sausalito , a small island near Alcatraz, where we have an appointment with a known friend in Bali, Zac, who works in a factory clothing.


Next time I will turn the world by sea ...
Simon will go with me?

self-timer on the ferry ...

Sausalito island is very charming and elegant, will return to Frisco with a taxi and cross the red Golden Gate to the Rock cafes, where I buy a shirt for Lorenzo ... I hope you will like it .. .'ll buy one for me...siamo vicini al mare!
Le diverse banchine qua si chiamano Pier e sono numerate.

A piedi poi verso la storica libreria "City Light " di Laurence Farlinghetti , colui che scoprì il talento di Kerouach , bellissimo luogo,ben conservato, tutto in legno a due piani,Simone non poteva mancarla...compriamo un libro "On the road".

For Paola, my sister.

again for you ...

How do you ... but maybe we'd have you been ... I still I thought!

Italian neighborhood, a Negroni in a martini glass white, but does the same, it is good, and it is amazing how this Italy is everywhere, are we really a nation of immigrants.
We all know.
The sidewalks of this neighborhood in San Francisco are red and green, the lamps hung the tricolor, the trams are really from Milan, Trieste is the coffee in front of our windows ... but I'm not at home ...
descents and ascents are really , the houses are beautiful.

Affittiamo una macchina e partiamo!! L'aereo non ci interessa,vogliamo attraversare questo territorio infinito anche se sarà un lungo viaggio.

As we drove I took note of everything on my notebook, I've always been one with me,
that I bought in a store of San Francisco, not to forget.

at this time are a wonderful terrace in Miami home of my Aunt Linda, more precisely in Fisher Island ... you can look at the map ... I give you a preview of what I see from here ....

are missing for a long time from this blog, but only for technical reasons ... to travel, then sleep poi ripartire...è stato tutto diverso da prima, a Tokyo, quando il tempo era dilatato...poco per volta vi racconto tutto e così ripasso l'avventura...a prestissimo.