Friday, May 18, 2007

Best Ceramic Cleaning Machine

"IL SENTO"....

Tokyo 19 maggio2007

The feeling in Japan is a bathroom pubblico.A Tokyo there are many, in almost every quartiere.Sono open all day and are used by the Japanese because they are healthy as well as funzionali.Gli men are separated from the women, are paid 900 yen (about € 5) and also have a right to the sauna You can stay there until closing time, but guaranteed to come out first and the heat ... It comes after having placed the shoes into the cabinet as always, going to the restaurant or wherever you come in Japan, so you always have the socks without holes and feet clean, pay and give you two sponges of different sizes and keys of another cabinet. You enter a room where ya strip, then with your small towel (mine was yellow), your little purse with beauty products and your gear Craft, scissors, tweezers, pumice stone, brush teeth, short, the more you have more you can bring, even willing to shave, to enter the real bathrooms. I found a room clean, warm, tiled, with soft lighting and many women of all ages in a row, side by side, sitting on a stool in front of a mirror, intent on washing with a bucket and plenty of water Hot and cold water available down by two cocks and a low doccia.Dopo the first thorough cleaning you can access the spa water tanks ... hot ... 40-42 degrees, where it sits, there sits or lies down there, along with the other.
It 'hard to get now because the water it's really hot, but then sometimes they smile and invite you and puff ... so you let go with his head, after a few seconds you begin to feel a great pleasure, all the muscles relax, hot tub placed on the walls of the pool, work on your back and shoulders, and you can Riaza rimmergerti, do some stretching exercises and is mostly silent, but we can speak some Japanese ... and since it is not a tourist place and women are curious around the world something we have said, however, even without understanding the whole. After a hot bath can be entered in a tank smaller, still a little warmer that struck me the fact that they feel their electricity ... electric shock on the skin that come up in the internal organs by massaging the body more deeply. I noticed that not all of you put out, actually can be quite annoying and even painful in some areas particularly in contracted muscle. The head turns slightly, the pressure decreases, but for me it was really nice. Then comes the turn of the cold bath that restores your tone and vigor ... Bagnone is cold like the torrent of home quotes. I thought of Paul when he'll bring it here ... I do not know if you come, I will keep you warm for half an hour ... and my mammma that would enter immediately into the icy hold your nose and making little cries as his habit to the stream ... With your towel if you want enters the sauna. Restart the ride as you want, I have started three times, perhaps a bit too ... in the end I felt a bit exhausted and a bit euphoric, however, very relaxed.
The girlie feel of that day were all nice, there was an old woman, poor thing, her back bent double, which will have at least 90 years, he said, smiling at all Masen-sumi, sumi-Masen (sorry, sorry) to go from one tank to another, trying not to annoy anyone, another, firmer and younger to be left in sauna with eyes closed half an hour to count ice cubes in his mouth, and in fact is very thirsty, a ' still another with a scar on my leg that a comparison I thought it was a no brainer, we were all at ease, I felt most welcome and integrated into the small community of neighborhood, in fact I seemed to be a little Japanese, too ... In the end you return to the starting position on sagabellino and you take another lavatina, redo the shampoo, combs you, in short complete the toilet ... One mistake I did ... but having forgotten the big yellow towel in the cabinet, I have to get wet on the floor room where the wood dries and there is, and we've been repeating myself ... then scolded Masen-sumi, sumi-Masen, I've got a broom and a special I'd wipe the floor with the approval and satisfaction of present! In the room wanting to find the hair dryer or a helmet of hair stylists with comfy chairs, the washing machine you can use before you enter if you have to do laundry and dryer ... the distributor of soft drinks hot or cold, ubiquitous in Japan, the chair for massage if it had not been enough the rattling of your body!
In Tokyo there are many public toilets are frequented by men and women, even during work breaks and in some the finest you can also receive massagggi.L 'thermal water is drawn to great depths and throughout Japan as a homeland takes advantage of this volcanic caratteristica.Credo the public toilet in the past has been used more for brushing more convenient because all Tokyo the rooms are small and historically here, as everywhere in the world, have the bathroom was a luxury for pochi.Un 'other reason is that the Japanese are very clean as Shinto considers cleaning, meaning purification, a gesture of devotion to the Kami, the deity that they-we ...? surround.
Water, water, water!
I soon go to a riokan, traditional hotel, with attached baths, which are present not only within but also outside of the house, into the natural environment. There are many beautiful onsen
(feel fine) in the countryside and also close to the ocean that have become tourist attractions. There are also pools where men and women can dive together naturally con addosso il costume da bagno.
Non ho potuto scattare foto all'interno del sento, sarebbe stato sconveniente e poi avrebbe tolto anche a me quel senso di intimità così piacevole; è stata un'esperienza bellissima.

Con la mia ormai inseparabile bici sulla via del ritorno ho incontrato tantissimi bambini e studenti all'uscita di scuola. Mi colpisce vedere le loro divise, le bambine e le ragazze vestite alla marinaretta con le gonne a pieghe blu e i calzettoni e i maschi con i pantaloni lunghi e la giacca scura con i bottoni d'oro, i più piccoli con i cappellini di colore diverso per segnalare la classe di appartenenza.
Attualità:in Giappone le scuole dell'obbligo prevedono un ciclo di 12 anni, 6 elementari 3 medie inferiori e 3 medie superiori, il 90% degli studenti completa il ciclo speriore e il 70 accede, dopo un esame di ammissione, all'università.
Gli studenti giapponesi sono considerati fra i più istruiti al mondo, anche se la critica attuale europea li considera omologati e poco stimolati alla creatività.
Un mese fa è stata approvata una legge che obbliga le scuole ad insegnare il patriottismo.
Un antico proverbio giapponese dice:"Il chiodo che sporge va preso a martellate"
Non sono previste differenze, gli studenti che non si adeguano sono puniti.
Un 'altra legge recente prevede che l'età per il riformatorio venga abbassata ulteriormente dai 14 ai 12 anni.
Mi vengono i brividi
Io vivo vicino a una scuola superiore e a una materna e l'ordine un pò militare che noto mi fa una certa impressione.Nel campo sportivo i ragazzi lavorano sodo, facendo ginnastica con la guida di insegnanti molto vigorosi che impartiscono comandi a voce alta.
Rifletto e mi chiedo se aveva ragione Terzani a chiamarli soldati più che studenti o se il rigore e la disciplina non siano elementi di contenimento importanti da noi troppo sottovalutati e anche disprezzati.
Mi ritrovo a chiedermi se non ci potrebbe essere una via di mezzo, o se invece le vie di mezzo non rischino di diventare troppo spesso delle mediazioni eccessive che perdono l'obiettivo di mantenere la direzione.
Scrivo senza l'intenzione di generalizzare o banalizzare un fenomeno che about our house.
In Japan they are amazed especially by young children of nursery and primary school,
they do not leave the school as most of our children screaming like crazy panting with open bags losing things here and there, with the mothers who follow them .. . and I also hit the big ones, do not stop, as in Milan, in front of the school with indifference to the authority, which in turn is indifferent, smoking as Turks with scooters lit even in spite of the lesson in progress; the
'Also me then, even though I had the motor, at the bottom that was present or not, it mattered little to none and I would say that the challenge is still something other than indifference che vivo al limite della provocazione, a cui sempre più spesso assisto e con cui mi confronto quotidianamente a Milano.
Qua è molto diverso e ripeto solo per ciò che vedo, apprezzo il sistema educativo inteso per me soprattutto come contenimento; i bambini non sono esagitati, sono attenti nel muoversi, anche molto più autonomi dei nostri e mi chiedo se questa modalità di insegnamento non li aiuti anche a crescere in modo più consapevole e meno egocentrico.
Lo spirito critico in questa parte del mondo è forse meno sostenuto e sviluppato, in effetti appaiono tutti un pò omologati...noi invece siamo divisi per fazioni, ma all'interno della fazione non siamo forse un pò omologati anche noi? No, non sono impazzita, I wonder how much the ability to choose is a desirable end point for young adults, rather than make it a point of departure, as often happens here. We support children from an early age to develop a capacity for choice itself is a skill too difficult.
Okay, I'm not saying anything new,
the end I do not know if young Japanese because they are more integrated are just more responsive to social expectations, but are actually sad inside, or if they're more relaxed and aware as individuals, as it seems to me looking at them. Maybe because you do not ask too many questions as he said Terzani? Most young people in Italy if it makes a lot?
There appear to be calm?
There is a role model, but certainly not bastano.C theories' is to be tested.
Reading Japanese newspapers translated into English on the internet (good eh ... but with so much time is a pleasure to learn!) Noted that juvenile crime is not a problem here or maybe it is not treated? It 's a country a little bit mysterious.
Tokyo in April 2007, I read a matricide, sixteen year old student beheads his mother and return the head to the police constituted.

pensatemi next Saturday ... I'll be like a Japanese schoolgirl, must attend the annual event aikidoistica most famous in Japan as a student of the academy aikido.
then I will have to follow a detailed script of behavior, entering and exiting the dojo
's Nippon Budokan (located in a park near the Imperial Palace) and I have, along with my class, do a demonstration of aikido techniques. E 'was chosen a flag pole, which in this case is a guy who broke the big toe in the mountains and therefore is no longer practicing, but also assist in building each lesson with the Japanese spirit and we will have a class president to decide which item high one by one, kicking off the three techniques to show to the audience: katate-dori Shiho-nage and ikkyo, omote and ura-nage and irimi ... Yes, of course, by now, you say, you will finally learn the yes ... il film nella testa ce l'ho, ma nei piedi e nelle mani?
E poi davanti a 20.000 spettatori... guarderanno all'occidentale bionda con curiosità e sospetto?
E' molto probabile e siccome sono troppo timida, pensatemi fortemente!!! Grazie,Via Novara! Vi farò sapere nel dettaglio le mie figuracce tanto Simone,confuso spesso per un russo, farà finta di non conoscermi, già lo so!



Friday, May 11, 2007

Conair Thermal Spa Bath Mat Craigslist

Tokyo in bicicletta

Tokyo May 12, 2007

First Christmas Mom! not only because tomorrow is your and our party all over the world, but because today is your compleanno.Ti feel quite sprightly when the risks to the phone, I can hear you just fine if you do not hear me ... and I want to congratulate you publicly for your decision to make the connection to the internet in my honor at all costs and for wanting to learn to use this computer system sometimes a little difficult.

Our friendly hosts house offered me a used bike for as long as I will Tokyo.Al time I was a bit worried why do not I get up half to two wheels from the April 27, 2001, after my serious accident on a motorbike that kept me still for about 1 year in rehab for 2, but I accepted the opportunity instinctively with joy.
After exploring the underground world of subway lines and the bus, I looked nice in person to decide the path without constraints of stops and route.
The truth is that scares me the opportunity to lose his balance and the presence of the machines, I have repeatedly promised not to andarmi looking for problems, I said "go to the foot or by car even though we know Milan is always clogged with traffic and use of the scooter you'd Gadagne long time, "
The memory of those two years was enough for me to agree to wait in line patiently.
There, I said, you're not stressed and you do not have time to respect, rather then go down and continue on foot. Having said that.

I lowered the bike saddle so good to touch the ground with his feet and tried to go around the island, are home to brush up and are broken down again, pushing a little more in the ... bellissimo.Oltre at the thought of losing balance, however, has added to the road since losing in Tokyo have reported only the names of the great arteries and the directions of the districts and è necessario sapersi orientare, in più Tokyo sembra un pò anonima in certe zone e può sembrare tutta uguale.Mi sono organizzata con una piantina dettagliata in caratteri latini,che avevo portato dall'italia e ho deciso la mia prima meta:il parco di Shinjuku gyoen.
Realizzato nei primi anni del 900, questo parco è uno dei più estesi di Tokyo.E' molto particolare perchè comprende oltre al giardino in stile giapponese anche una parte progettata in stile europeo,un giardino alla francese e uno all'inglese. Lo spazio è talmente grande che passeggiare da sola nei tre diversi giardini mi ha fatto sentire proprio in tre luoghi diversi tra loro.
Le differenze sono notevoli e alla zona geometrica europea con i viali alberati le regular flower beds and hedges, it happens a lot more area where small irregular stone paths to make you move along a serpentine path that offers performances are always different, as if around the corner there was always a surprise for your eyes .. . small streams, small bridges to span the lake, giant and colorful carp in the water, turtles swimming peacefully ... then turn your head and see a piece of wood that can be crossed, and after you find the grove near a kind of wooden pagoda where a woman in a kimono invites you to enter with a bow (not then steal not only from ' bow, but also from entering!) is made to accommodate a small veranda that offers yet another show with a small ceremony will be served green tea I found it to be an exhibition, as if the landscape were so many paintings that follow a straight path. Small hills, rolling plains and many trees and fragrant flowers also never seen before. I have seen few tourists while the Japanese have shown me a lot of quiet in their movements and even some young couple embraced without the usual excessive modesty.
Many groups of young people stopping in on an area of \u200b\u200blawn covered with a cloth and eat or drink, laughing with each other, but without making too much noise, older people stay with a dreamy look on benches or give food to the fish. The culture of Japanese Zen garden is very special, the garden wants mettere in contatto l'uomo con la natura.L'uomo può identificarsi con la natura perchè i cicli delle stagioni si ripetono come i cicli della vita, l'acqua è sempre presente come simbolo della vita che scorre e come mare da attraversare con i cambiamenti che la vita chiede, le pietre simboleggiano la durata e le colline rappresentano le montagne come le difficoltà da superare e le vette da raggiungere...L'energia della natura diventa energia per vivere con più consapevolezza.
Se alzi gli occhi al cielo vedi l'azzurro il verde e i corvi e le cornacchie che volano. A Tokyo ci sono tantissime grandi cornacchie nere in ogni quartiere e cantano in modo inconfondibile. Davanti a casa abbiamo scoperto, proprio vicino al nostro balcone, nonostante there are trees, the sparrows prefer to be inside the nest boxes of light poles, as they had decided that a small caravan of iron is more convenient but also more protected from the crows. Makes me laugh to think that even the sparrows in Tokyo should use all available space. By Simon
agree in saying that every time the elderly and Japanese children are beautiful, the elderly on their way to circulate freely and independently, by the way nice to smile and bow our eyes met, for they wear hats or coasters that push to get support, always with their bags or purses and their umbrella ... because the kids are chubby with red cheeks and their mouths carnose, anche loro con cappellini colorati da esploratori già a 5-6 anni,con lo zainetto girano attenti da soli per le strade dei quartieri.Ora poi che giro in bici li vedo sempre e capisco che il metrò non fa per loro!
Dopo un pò di giorni di giri in bici mi sono accorta che qui la bici è la vera padrona delle strade e anche dei marciapiedi.Quasi tutti la possiedono anche se la città non è proprio pianeggiante...e dato che la strada con le macchine è spesso evitata, c'è la possibilità di usare il marciapiede come pista ciclabile delimitata a terra da una riga gialla sulla sinistra, puoi anche permetterti di suonare il campanello per chiedere strada, i pedoni si spostano anche perchè sono abituati a vedere anche dietro... and exceed them ... so do not forget that even the sidewalks are often small, in the crossroads there is always more up and down a life that makes you comfortable!
A bike but not basta.Bisogna have two because the game is complete! Convinced Simon, you are pedaling your legs and your legs to do aikido is essential.
Then you are ready, turn left for much longer and more difficult goals!
In Japan you can bring the dirt bikes on trains or rented for a few yen in almost every small town near the station. Then go back to our beautiful Kamakura sea, this time in a particular local pedalando.Qui eat where the food is exposed and three cute ladies cook ramen (especially noodles) fried with bacon and cabbage on a plate cut for purposes bollente.Nel middle of each table is a plate to cook to your taste and keep warm prepared foods, like small omelettes stuffed with vegetables. ... fun and pleasure!
the Japanese Golden Week we also enjoy the city less congested and through parks and sanctuaries and the area of \u200b\u200bskyscrapers. We go up to 54 floor of City Hall, we stopped their ears so the climb is fast and a little disappointed by the local glass overlook it. I am reminded of the Empire in New York, when he still walked with a cane and We had passed the first, since I had a disability, without queuing! Actually I did not like what was even then being locked up without being able to breathe the air fresca.Allora was more than once that I climbed on Madoninina of Milan ... the needles, without windows. Rise, however, is always exciting.

They could not stop? Of course there is a Koban no.In every neighborhood that is a small police station, the guards are always present and one evening as I had no lights on, let's say that was just after sunset, I stopped and I think I have asked in Japan where it came from the bicycle. Read the small plaque telling him not abbastanza.Sul time we did not happen of course so I had follow the cop, in turn, riding a bicycle, until it Koban.Ho since consults with his colleague and although I have provided all the data in Japanese pradrone of my home, naturally including the phone number, continued to prevaricate , smiling but saying that in practice the small plaque did not give them any information, so I was suspected of theft "you steal?" Simon said, and because I was lucky sorridevano.Per which are known to be a beast in all languages, I did not know just wanted to say that to steal steal ... They still knew only that word in English .... Well I have begun to irritate me because I only steal the vases without flowers (I've already written) and I'm very much giapponese. Stavo per alzare la voce, naturalmente in italiano, quando Simone ha deciso di alzare il telefono e chiamare direttamente mr Gennai.Tutto bene, dopo mezz'ora sono stata rilasciata...Ho letto poi sulla guida che basta un sospetto della polizia per essere fermati anche per 48 ore senza nessuna particolare altra ragione.Sì, a Tokyo le biciclette hanno una targa e un regolare propietario, ma non c'è un documento che lo attesti,boh!!Paese che vai...In questo paese però si può lasciare la bici senza lucchetto perchè generalmente nessuno ruba, posso anche lasciare nel cestino la spesa con tranquillità entrando per esempio in un altro negozio o dimenticarmi di mettere il lucchetto la notte...(una notte mi sono dimenticata! in più the bike is not mine!) To feel so free and so safe it feels good and I do not think it depends completely out of control, the result of education is certainly very civil.